Hello my sweets! I know I haven't been around much lately and for that I apologize.
I have been busy with life in general and life has been good!
But I have a surprise for you! Well, it's not nearly as exciting for you as it is for me, but considering how boring my last few posts have been, it's pretty big news.
I have a new tattoo!!!!! Yay!
See for yourself:
So, they aren't the greatest pics. I'll try to take more soon.
The text says, "This shaking keeps me steady. What falls away is always, and is near." It's taken from my favorite poem by Theodore Roethke, "The Waking".
This past weekend I attempted to go to Firefly, which is a regional Burning Man event in the woods of Vermont. I say attempted because it was a complete disaster and I was only there for about 24 hours (it was supossed to go from friday to monday). Due to the ridiculous amount of rain the entire site was one big mud pit.
The camp I was with (Sonic Beating) had a sound system set up and when we woke up it was essentially sitting in a lake! We tuned into the weather chanel on a radio and heard there was more rain coming and some hail, so we all pussied out and packed up. Turns out, the rain never came. We had made it through the worst, and left just in time for the best.
meh, oh well.
Anyhwayzzzzz...... I'm totally in love with this man right here!
.....and thats the news!

But I have a surprise for you! Well, it's not nearly as exciting for you as it is for me, but considering how boring my last few posts have been, it's pretty big news.
I have a new tattoo!!!!! Yay!
See for yourself:

So, they aren't the greatest pics. I'll try to take more soon.
The text says, "This shaking keeps me steady. What falls away is always, and is near." It's taken from my favorite poem by Theodore Roethke, "The Waking".
This past weekend I attempted to go to Firefly, which is a regional Burning Man event in the woods of Vermont. I say attempted because it was a complete disaster and I was only there for about 24 hours (it was supossed to go from friday to monday). Due to the ridiculous amount of rain the entire site was one big mud pit.
The camp I was with (Sonic Beating) had a sound system set up and when we woke up it was essentially sitting in a lake! We tuned into the weather chanel on a radio and heard there was more rain coming and some hail, so we all pussied out and packed up. Turns out, the rain never came. We had made it through the worst, and left just in time for the best.

Anyhwayzzzzz...... I'm totally in love with this man right here!
.....and thats the news!

i keep working on sets. i've shot 3 that were either not up to par/or in danger of being rejected. anything else i'm keeping a secret, i don't wanna jinx it!
are you involved in the suicide saturday thing in ri in august? you'll see my boobies theeeeeen.
i'm not sure how my work schedule is going to be, but it sounds like taking a trip to nyc with you would be awesomex10. i'll keep you posted. ♥