So, yeah, I'm excited! This money couldn't have come at a better time! So, I must tell the story behind this set:
TeamRockStar came up to Boston from NYC to shoot a bunch of us Ladies, me included. Originally, we were going to shoot an outdoor set (not telling specifics because it is still going to happen). There were a few problems with this idea:
A) The only place I could find to do what we wanted to do was in a friends backyard when nobody would be home. That meant no power, which meant only battery powered lights.
2) girlie would have to do my make-up in the car, which was a big problem for her for obvious reasons (she is such a premadonna

and C) On this particular night it was 10 degrees (farenheit) and there were 25 MPH winds whipping through Boston, bringing the temperature down to about ooohhhh.... -15 degrees! Take note of the negative sign there!
But through it all I was determined to go through with it! I had a fabulous idea and it just HAD to be done!
So I was in the shower getting nice and clean and purdy for the shoot when I get a phone call from Kera, She was outside my apartment with Girlie, and Bailey in tow. I walked down in my towel to let them in and before I could even get dressed, they were sitting on my bed, conducting an intervention!
After 20 minutes, they were finally succesful in convincing me that I was insane, and would surely loose my nipples to frostbite if I went through with this.
So now the problem was, "what set can we with limited costume options, and limited set options (hotel room)?"
So we packed up basically ALL of my clothes into two enormous garbage bags and headed off to the hotel without a clue as to what we'd end up doing.
But Steve had the answer!
I have to say I was doubtful at first, simply because the theme HAD been done before. But we rocked it out!
So here is a special thanks to Tmronin(photo genius!), Anteros (sweetest man alive!), and Girlie (Make-up Master!).
Also a special thanks to Bailey and her fabulous belt, which totally made the set!
After the set was shot Kera and I had a little play time in the shower!

Have fun with those kids!
you really deserve it: your set is absolutly wonderful
i think you should share your prize with us.....no?