i'm taking a class this semester called sex and gender in cinema, and we are going to spend a good portion of our time talking about censorship and adult films. we're also reading books about porn (a mckinnon book taking the against stance, and a strossen book taking the for stance).
i am so fucking excited about this. porn is definitely one of my favorite topics to talk about in class. i always shock people by being such an outspoken feminist and supporter of porn. last year i scandalized everyone in class, when my prof mentioned suicide girls and i said i was applying to be on the site.
i am so fucking excited about this. porn is definitely one of my favorite topics to talk about in class. i always shock people by being such an outspoken feminist and supporter of porn. last year i scandalized everyone in class, when my prof mentioned suicide girls and i said i was applying to be on the site.
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to ya, you adult you!