so after three hours at the doctor, blood drawn out of both my arms, a urine test, and a rectal exam (i know you wanted to know that), they concluded that they really don't know what is wrong with me.
the doctor gave me some fenegrin (anti-nausea) and sent me on my way.
but i am feeling better this morning. i guess i just have...
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the doctor gave me some fenegrin (anti-nausea) and sent me on my way.
but i am feeling better this morning. i guess i just have...
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skipping school again. i hate getting my period, it makes me miss the same classes once a month.
this weekend was spent reading cometbus and thrift store shopping like mad. bike rides and hoodies and finding a new coffeeshop. not working on the paper i need to be writing. working on journals instead.
tonight i'm going to see everything is illuminated with jenny. then this...
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this weekend was spent reading cometbus and thrift store shopping like mad. bike rides and hoodies and finding a new coffeeshop. not working on the paper i need to be writing. working on journals instead.
tonight i'm going to see everything is illuminated with jenny. then this...
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I'd love to photograph you. Are you busy next week?
E-mail me if you're interested...I'm free during the mornings and some afternoons next week...
E-mail me if you're interested...I'm free during the mornings and some afternoons next week...
Oh...thanks, lady! Glad you like my new backseams... They're definitely not the "normal" kind...I'm so happy with them though!
so here's the article i wrote in support of pornography for my school's newspaper. it ended up being less an argument for porn as just a glimpse into my feelings about it. the issue comes out today. i am only a little nervous about the backlash.
My dream in life is to be a porn star.
Thats misleading, so let me back up a bit....
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My dream in life is to be a porn star.
Thats misleading, so let me back up a bit....
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you shouldn't be worried about the back lash, it's a very intelligent article and i'm sure you have the wits to defend it.

dying from schoolwork.
procrastinating on my porn article. due today. haven't started.
haven't shot my set. have ideas. haven't got a photographer. working on it.
sick of complete sentences. sick of my stupid job.
but. critical mass today.
procrastinating on my porn article. due today. haven't started.
haven't shot my set. have ideas. haven't got a photographer. working on it.
sick of complete sentences. sick of my stupid job.
but. critical mass today.
I saw it at that time as well. I think I might've saw you. You were sitting a few rows ahead of us though.
Well...I didn't know you were on SG when I saw you, but now that I see you, you looked familiar.
nice teeth.

ohhh i loved the dvd! it was so much fun & it really made me want to get naked and shimmy around.
also it's been the primary highlight in a day full of homework and boredom. i've read a lot. i walked to the drugstore to pick up my birth control. boyfriend is off filming for the movie. soon he'll get home & i'll swoon...
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also it's been the primary highlight in a day full of homework and boredom. i've read a lot. i walked to the drugstore to pick up my birth control. boyfriend is off filming for the movie. soon he'll get home & i'll swoon...
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today i got my suicide girls dvd in the mail.
i'm making myself wait to watch it. i like anticipation.
also, i got ambushed at the last newspaper meeting--everyone wants me to write a pro-porn opinions piece. i said i might have too personal a stake in it, given that i am in the application process to become a suicide girl (if only i...
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i'm making myself wait to watch it. i like anticipation.
also, i got ambushed at the last newspaper meeting--everyone wants me to write a pro-porn opinions piece. i said i might have too personal a stake in it, given that i am in the application process to become a suicide girl (if only i...
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mines on the way kung fu said so. until it gets here can i come over and watch yours
[Edited on Sep 17, 2005 7:28PM]


[Edited on Sep 17, 2005 7:28PM]
hey whats up
sick day!
i'm taking a class this semester called sex and gender in cinema, and we are going to spend a good portion of our time talking about censorship and adult films. we're also reading books about porn (a mckinnon book taking the against stance, and a strossen book taking the for stance).
i am so fucking excited about this. porn is definitely one of my favorite...
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i am so fucking excited about this. porn is definitely one of my favorite...
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happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to ya, you adult you!

school has started so now i know i'll be back to looking at porn for hours while avoiding my homework.
I can think of nothing better to do with my time.
what kind of porn?
Why should she give her bounty to the dead?
What is divinity if it can come
Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
Shall she not find in comforts of the sun,
In pungent fruit and bright, green wings, or else
In any balm or beauty of the earth,
Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven?
Divinity must live within herself:
Passions of...
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What is divinity if it can come
Only in silent shadows and in dreams?
Shall she not find in comforts of the sun,
In pungent fruit and bright, green wings, or else
In any balm or beauty of the earth,
Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven?
Divinity must live within herself:
Passions of...
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