Another anonymous reactivation! Whoever you are, many thanks, and I kind of love you smile
Someone anonymously reactivated my account! Yay! Slightly creepy, but a nice Christmas present nonetheless! Thank you anonymous pervert wink! <3
Hey. I'm back too! How are you?

I AM GOOD!! HOW ARE YOU!!?!? Loooooong time no talk!
I WAS FINALLY ABLE TO REGISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And only one of my classes was full! So I emailed that prof asking him to let me in. Had to email two other profs too, to try and get into English classes since they're outside of my major.
What, nothing has happened in your life in the past ten days? You have nothing to share with us?
thanks for being my friend.
what are you studying
Erm, so... apparently this whole problem I've been having with courses is because I didn't confirm my program selection!? What the hell, I did that at the beginning of last year. So now I have to fill out this form, AND email department heads (for both depts. because I'm doing a double major) and wait. UGH I HATE WAITING. I hate all this red tape...
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I hear issuing death threats cuts through red tape like you wouldn't believe wink

btw, where I'm from NASCAR drivers = medieval saints. People have devotional shrines to them in their homes. Everywhere. Funny, because you would think they might treat the drivers like gladiators, but no. Divinely inspired beings.
My dad is the same way with college football. Not my thing.