Wow, talk about a shitty line to wait in! Last night we didn't get to the party until around 11:30 (fashionably late, of course). When we all left our house it wasn't raining at all, a block away it started to sprinkle, and another block later we were running across busy SF streets in the pouring rain. Of course we forgot to bring umbrellas which meant waiting in a long-ass line in the pouring rain. It was. . .er. . . interesting. Luckily it let up after about 5 minutes, but we were thoroughly soaked. A few gin and tonic eased our nerves and the rest of the evening was full of dancing and bitching about Thievery Corporations lack of actually DJ mixing. At least their records were decent.
Now i'm a bit hungover and trying to get my ass down to the store in order to make breakfast (now lunch) of eggs, sausage and freshly juiced orange juice. I <3 my juiceman juicer!!
Now i'm a bit hungover and trying to get my ass down to the store in order to make breakfast (now lunch) of eggs, sausage and freshly juiced orange juice. I <3 my juiceman juicer!!

End rant.
It's this odd mix of blue and grey in the city today, like the weather can't make up it's mind. Quite odd.