Shopped on Haight today. Now the proud owner of: new pink and black stripped hot pants, sexy tights and thigh hi's, chunky-bondage belt, and some toys from KidRobot. On the way to haight Matt and I stopped by Braindrops and he got his septum repierced. Yumminess.
should i get my lip pierced a second time? The healing time would mean two floppy rings until they are healed enough/swellin gone down enough to fit two small ones again. I hate floppy lip piercings... but it may just be worth it. Perhaps after my next pay check.
should i get my lip pierced a second time? The healing time would mean two floppy rings until they are healed enough/swellin gone down enough to fit two small ones again. I hate floppy lip piercings... but it may just be worth it. Perhaps after my next pay check.

Yes. I don't have the guts, so I will cheer you on instead.