From zyra


thanks for following me <3 I have a set in MR if you want to give love 💕💕 xoxo!

My pleasure Dahling! Check out my videos when you have a chance xxoo

From norte


Thanks for following dear <3 I hope you like my set <3 

Thank you Shooga, check out my videos when you get a chance! xxoo

Thanks for posting all the excellent quality videos Sir! I saw the show in London but was too entranced by all the bouncing boobies to take any good ones myself!

My pleasure, and thanks for the follow. More videos to come, let me know what you thought!

From midnight


Holy smokes!! You have a lot of great videos thanks for sharing I feel like I was there😍and thanks for following me!!❤️

My pleasure! I have a couple more to go, let me know what you thought xxoo
Awesome, will do!

From ro__


Amazing videos of the Blackheart Burlesque show!! :D

Check out the rest of them on my wall and let me know what you thought! xxoo

From saphyr


Thanks for the follow ❤ I hope you like my first set 😊 kisses from France

Votre Altesse honore ton fidèle serviteur!

From ro__


Thaks for the following!! :*

My pleasure! Check the videos on my wall and let me know what you think! xxoo