Happy 2018 my loves! I hope you’ve had an incredible first week, and (unlike me) have already started your New Years resolutions and started kicking ass!
I’ve been super run down after coming back from the UK, It’s been a downhill slope and today I woke up drowned in the flu symptoms :(
I have quite a few New Years resolutions, but I won’t give myself unrealistic expectations this year, getting to the gym one day a week is better than none!
This is something I’ve wanted to do for years, and I’ve kept putting it off due to work and other commitments, but even if I can spare just a couple of hours per week to help out at animal shelters, I’d find it super rewarding. I’ve loved animals ever since I was little, and opening a shelter of my own for mistreated animals is a dream of mine! Just the other day, my partner and I tried to help a sick young possum up the street from my house, we definitely looked a little crazy standing in 41c heat, with towels and dishes of water trying to help this little dude and get him to the vet!
The ‘Actually go’ part was very necessary as I’ve had numerous gym memberships before, gone for a couple of months and then stopped! I’d love to get into a healthy routine with the gym, as working out always helps with my anxiety too!
I’m a sucker for takeaway, and anything that I can just pop in the oven and it’s done in half an hour, but I really want to use my time wisely this year and start cooking more from scratch! As most of you know now, (those of you who have read my previous blog posts) I’ve been vegan for over a year, and I’d love to learn how to cook super tasty vegan dinners! (cough cough…. vegan lasagne)
I used to be such a big reader, but in the past couple of years I’ve really slacked off! I want to try and replace TV a couple of nights a week with a new book! Any recommendations, send them my way!
I think this will go pretty hand-in-hand with developing a healthy relationship with the gym, as I've noticed previously that the more I work out and cook better, the less I feel like picking up a cigarette! Australian cigarette prices are ridiculous and I'm tired of throwing my money away! If you have any tips of what helped you stop smoking/ or your friends or family, please share them with me! I recently bought my partner a vape and that is definitely helping us to cut down!
What are your New Years resolutions? I'd love to hear!
Thank you for reading and thank you again to @rambo and @missy for great topics to chat about!
Goodluck guys!
All my love,