04/23/05 afternoon update: I think i finally responded to everyone on my list. Alot of people. Whew! And if i missed you somehow, slap me upside the face. I may make a proper entry today, or not, as i will be at my parents nearly all day today. Ok until later..... -the Slie
Those are some pictures i took the other day.
I have a pounding headache today and don't feel like making clever captions.
I have been moving things around all day. Our new roommate is moving stuff in, starting tonight, but she won't have all of her stuff here or be living here until May. I am excited because she is cool and it is going to save me money. Wooo! And it will inspire me to clean more often, since usually i am kinda lazy about it.
Sorry if i haven't responded to your comments lately. I have been moody and antisocial and...stuff. I will try to get to eveyone today....alphabetical order seems like the most logical course, though those latter alphabeted monikers are loved no less for it!
Ok i have nothing interesting to say.
Updatingish-esque-ness: The headache is gone, awesomely. I feel so much better. I will add some more journalyness tonight, in the form of random thoughts. Since i have been doing random things about the house all day, my thoughts are fragmented and random. Ok heres some thoughts. Disclaimer: some of these are neither deep or meaningful. That in mind, enjoy.
My rat is getting chubby....she needs more exiercise. Contemplating how to design a little rat harness or leash. Do these already exist, i wonder?
Greg loves me and makes me feel so loved. This morning though problematic was also beautiful. When i am feeling old he makes me feel lovely.
I think i will continue to expand my vinyl collection based on novelty more than anything else. More of the records i own are kitschy and silly rather than actually good. I wonder to myself if should buy some actual serious albums on record instead of CD. But then it is more effort to get the tracks onto the computer. Digital age, you have spoiled me. What happened to the mix tapes of yesteryear?
Everyone is beautiful to me today. YOU are looking beautiful.
I ate almost three quarters of a honeydew melon today. I really love the fruits and veggies! I must have them. Give me more! If i don't eat a lot of fruits and veggies then my intestines hate me. What is your favorite fruit, alternately, what are you eating right now?
My least favorite chores are dishes and clening the bathroom, both of which i have to do today. What are your least favorite?
Gender bending is so appealing, in some way even to some straight folk. That ability to twist yourself to whatever ambiguous state of sexuality....rarrr. I am no good at that, but sometimes i feel like a drag queen stuck in a womans body. I might watch Hedwig and Rocky Horror again soon, make a movie night out of it, if my friends are willing. I will not date a guy who won't watch Hedwig! Not that i'm looking or anything. But i have seen to many guys blanch and chiken out at the mention of a botched sex change and abandon the movie. Come on, its humor is awesome! Grow some balls! (i know, har har).
Ha ha, rat harnesses! one, two, three!

Those are some pictures i took the other day.
I have a pounding headache today and don't feel like making clever captions.
I have been moving things around all day. Our new roommate is moving stuff in, starting tonight, but she won't have all of her stuff here or be living here until May. I am excited because she is cool and it is going to save me money. Wooo! And it will inspire me to clean more often, since usually i am kinda lazy about it.
Sorry if i haven't responded to your comments lately. I have been moody and antisocial and...stuff. I will try to get to eveyone today....alphabetical order seems like the most logical course, though those latter alphabeted monikers are loved no less for it!

Ok i have nothing interesting to say.
Updatingish-esque-ness: The headache is gone, awesomely. I feel so much better. I will add some more journalyness tonight, in the form of random thoughts. Since i have been doing random things about the house all day, my thoughts are fragmented and random. Ok heres some thoughts. Disclaimer: some of these are neither deep or meaningful. That in mind, enjoy.
My rat is getting chubby....she needs more exiercise. Contemplating how to design a little rat harness or leash. Do these already exist, i wonder?
Greg loves me and makes me feel so loved. This morning though problematic was also beautiful. When i am feeling old he makes me feel lovely.
I think i will continue to expand my vinyl collection based on novelty more than anything else. More of the records i own are kitschy and silly rather than actually good. I wonder to myself if should buy some actual serious albums on record instead of CD. But then it is more effort to get the tracks onto the computer. Digital age, you have spoiled me. What happened to the mix tapes of yesteryear?
Everyone is beautiful to me today. YOU are looking beautiful.

I ate almost three quarters of a honeydew melon today. I really love the fruits and veggies! I must have them. Give me more! If i don't eat a lot of fruits and veggies then my intestines hate me. What is your favorite fruit, alternately, what are you eating right now?
My least favorite chores are dishes and clening the bathroom, both of which i have to do today. What are your least favorite?
Gender bending is so appealing, in some way even to some straight folk. That ability to twist yourself to whatever ambiguous state of sexuality....rarrr. I am no good at that, but sometimes i feel like a drag queen stuck in a womans body. I might watch Hedwig and Rocky Horror again soon, make a movie night out of it, if my friends are willing. I will not date a guy who won't watch Hedwig! Not that i'm looking or anything. But i have seen to many guys blanch and chiken out at the mention of a botched sex change and abandon the movie. Come on, its humor is awesome! Grow some balls! (i know, har har).
Ha ha, rat harnesses! one, two, three!
I'm glad you're in a grand mood.. good to see you so perky.
<3 your photography, by the way.
I'm very much understanding the anti-social bit. I've been the saaaaaaaaaame way as of late.
I agree with you on the whole.. guys should be able to watch Hedwig thing. I am most attracted to a guy who is comfortable with his sexuality. To not even be able to view a movie involving anything that is GLBT.. to me shows a definite insecurity with one's sexuality. Getthefuckoverit, I say!
PLUS.. it's HEDWIG, for Christ's sake.
Might I ask how things turned out with the friend you were at odds with?
thanx ^_^ I like the pictures in your entry today!