Weird days.
The turkey day is making my head want to pop. Working at the store during this time just serves for stress stress and more stress, back pain, and a glaring reminder of how underappreciated i am. Yayness. I am surprised i haven't bitch slapped anyone, or grabbed someone by their lapels yelling "get it together man!!!" in a Ren voice, yet.
Got home, chilled out and calmed down for a while watching horrible television. What a good sedative afterall, nothing can rid you so effectively of constructive thought than tv. Then had great sex with the gregster. Then this weird thing that only happens when i have really good sex happened.....this is graphic be forwarned do not read any of the rest of this paragraph if you are not interested in hearing about my vagina, ok you have been warned, left inner labia totally swell up. Only when i have really good sex. I think i need to make a Disney cartoon where my inner left labia is like a Jimeney Cricket conscience telling me not to have premarital sex. It reminds me of a little cartoon is a little freak.
And check out my weird dream from last night.....had a dream i was in the house we used to live in, yet there were apartments built around one side and on top of the old house. I walked around the house which was now considerably larger and in a forseted area, and i could see into many of the one of the top windows there was a really intense looking guy moshing all by himself with huge bruntette bihawks. Around the back of the house i went into the crawl space under the house, which turns out was tall enough to walk in. The whole basement area was stuffed with weird shit, but it was huge, probably a square area of about 2oo feet, dim and dusty. Most of the area was filled with old dolls that were all varying types but mostly baby dolls, strewn with cobwebs and dust. I noticed this large old looking metal dumpster type thing, which was more wide than tall, and it had a victorian sign on it which read "floor rubbish". I looked inside and it was full of ash, but so old of ash that it was almost equally dust. At this point i realised the house must have been an industrial factory or coal plant....i rushed out and upstairs to the toop floor to tell my old highschool friend who was there. She was busy. I crawled in to bed to get her attention, then for some reason we started kissing, then having sex. Afterwards she was ignorning me and wasn't talking to me, so i was upset, but she was still naked and i was staring at her breasts.
All i can tell from this dream is that damn looking at SG sets is making me lust after boobies. And the one time i saw that friend naked she had nice boobs. Meh.
What else to say.......
Mmmm, green bean casserole......where is my drooling emoticon i ask you?!?!?
Ooof i am having a bitchy sad depressed sort of day. I deleted people from my bookmarks, and i deleted some "freinds" who never really post in my journal. Really sorry if i have offended anyone through this, but i guess it was about time, because i was having trouble keeping up with everyone's journals and i feel weird not having stuff reciprocated. So um yeah thats it i guess. Sorry i am so bitter tired grouchy etc., but i am wearing oscar the grouch panties right now after all.
Greg may have found a job in Portland. He would move there if that was the case. Sad but happy. Yeah....I'd have to find a job too, the search for which i dread. That is the sad part.
The turkey day is making my head want to pop. Working at the store during this time just serves for stress stress and more stress, back pain, and a glaring reminder of how underappreciated i am. Yayness. I am surprised i haven't bitch slapped anyone, or grabbed someone by their lapels yelling "get it together man!!!" in a Ren voice, yet.
Got home, chilled out and calmed down for a while watching horrible television. What a good sedative afterall, nothing can rid you so effectively of constructive thought than tv. Then had great sex with the gregster. Then this weird thing that only happens when i have really good sex happened.....this is graphic be forwarned do not read any of the rest of this paragraph if you are not interested in hearing about my vagina, ok you have been warned, left inner labia totally swell up. Only when i have really good sex. I think i need to make a Disney cartoon where my inner left labia is like a Jimeney Cricket conscience telling me not to have premarital sex. It reminds me of a little cartoon is a little freak.
And check out my weird dream from last night.....had a dream i was in the house we used to live in, yet there were apartments built around one side and on top of the old house. I walked around the house which was now considerably larger and in a forseted area, and i could see into many of the one of the top windows there was a really intense looking guy moshing all by himself with huge bruntette bihawks. Around the back of the house i went into the crawl space under the house, which turns out was tall enough to walk in. The whole basement area was stuffed with weird shit, but it was huge, probably a square area of about 2oo feet, dim and dusty. Most of the area was filled with old dolls that were all varying types but mostly baby dolls, strewn with cobwebs and dust. I noticed this large old looking metal dumpster type thing, which was more wide than tall, and it had a victorian sign on it which read "floor rubbish". I looked inside and it was full of ash, but so old of ash that it was almost equally dust. At this point i realised the house must have been an industrial factory or coal plant....i rushed out and upstairs to the toop floor to tell my old highschool friend who was there. She was busy. I crawled in to bed to get her attention, then for some reason we started kissing, then having sex. Afterwards she was ignorning me and wasn't talking to me, so i was upset, but she was still naked and i was staring at her breasts.
All i can tell from this dream is that damn looking at SG sets is making me lust after boobies. And the one time i saw that friend naked she had nice boobs. Meh.
What else to say.......
Mmmm, green bean casserole......where is my drooling emoticon i ask you?!?!?
Ooof i am having a bitchy sad depressed sort of day. I deleted people from my bookmarks, and i deleted some "freinds" who never really post in my journal. Really sorry if i have offended anyone through this, but i guess it was about time, because i was having trouble keeping up with everyone's journals and i feel weird not having stuff reciprocated. So um yeah thats it i guess. Sorry i am so bitter tired grouchy etc., but i am wearing oscar the grouch panties right now after all.
Greg may have found a job in Portland. He would move there if that was the case. Sad but happy. Yeah....I'd have to find a job too, the search for which i dread. That is the sad part.
have a great thanksgiving and try not to bitch slap anyone!
Yeah, I'm certainly not for springing my nakedness on someone unwilling or invading someone's privacy or anything at all like that, In all my situations it was pretty obvious the people were into it (I mean, you don't have sex with the curtains open and the light on with a another major hotel right across the street if you don't expect to be seen)