s's comp's dead again. no more editing. for a while. and i was just getting onna fucking roll. i had some great shit i was gonna do this weekend. so thats not gona happen.
i have a head ache. and i'm tired. bought sin city, prolly the coolest movie since fight club.
cant really think of anything else. i have a big ol rant that i typed up during the week, not gonna use it till i have to.
someone needs to hug H. Clinton. i'm serious, that bitch needs a fucking hug.
video games are the new rock and roll.
i have a head ache. and i'm tired. bought sin city, prolly the coolest movie since fight club.
cant really think of anything else. i have a big ol rant that i typed up during the week, not gonna use it till i have to.
someone needs to hug H. Clinton. i'm serious, that bitch needs a fucking hug.
video games are the new rock and roll.
I should see Sin City. But I haven't.
whos on the cover of the sin city you bought? joe got one with bruce willis... can't think of his charicter's name...any who it really is alot funnier the more you watch it.
theres a huge misic sale going on in bloomington this weekend. i'm gonna go this morning, but then i gots to get to peoria for a funeral.