Things people call me (Namewise):
Lucas, Luc, Lukey-boy, Lu, Lucy, Lucs, Lucster, Les, Lester, Bud, Matthew, Matthew-McKuen, McKuen. Mr. Lucas, Lucas Howell, Mr. Brockwell, Dr. Brockwell.
Les T Brockwell.
Les Inept.
I dunno how much of that is actually endearing, but whatever.
Ok, i'm a filmmaker with a straight job. That's it. I resent it when people say that i'm a janitor. When people ask what i do, i say filmmaker. I say that i have a straight job to pay the bills.
I think people confuse need and want. I think people confuse favorite and best.
I think people should learn the difference.
I want a PSP.
I need a camera.
I want to get high.
I need to sleep.
Fight Club is my favorite movie.
Saving Private Ryan is the best movie i've seen.
I dont understand why people cant respect things they dont like or arent into.
I dont get the need to have kids. I understand the desire to spread ones' seed, i really do. I understand it on a very base level. But dont you think we've kinda gotten past that? Isnt that kind of a obsolete impulse these days?
And it might sound fascist, but i really believe that most people dont deserve kids.
I also think that athletes, models, and politicians should be put down as soon as their usefulness ceases. They should have 5years to do something else MEANINGFUL with their life, elsewise destroyed.
Like a horse with a broken leg...
I believe you should leave the world a better place than you came it, and i believe you should strive to do everything in your power to do so.
Tax churches.
Release non-violent criminals, have them pay restitution, treat the drug-addicts as addicts, not criminals.
Reeducate violent criminals, rehabilitate them. Teach them a trade so they'll be more equipped to deal with real world situations.
Teach sex education more thoroughly, preferably BEFORE kids become sexually active.
Suicide is illegal, the death penalty isnt. How'd that happen?
Discourage greed.
Discourage conformity.
Encourage charity.
Encourage individuality.
I dont understand frats, sororities. I dont understand the need to fit in, losing yourself to a group.
I dont understand yuppies. I dont understand the need for material possessions.
Money aint shit.
Charity isnt charity if you're looking for a pat on the back. Doing good is it's own reward.
I actually sat down and listened to the song Attack by 30 Seconds to Mars last night, and i'll tell ya this, that Leto kid can sing. I had my doubt about himactor fronting band. You kinda have to wonder about someone that says corny emo-shit like, What inspires us the most is the virtue of human struggle.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, the fronting on video games on Players really endeared you to me.
Too good for games, you pricky little fuck?
But, really, i might have to pick up their new CD.
And the Rise Against CD. Definitely.
And The Dead 60's.
Lucas, Luc, Lukey-boy, Lu, Lucy, Lucs, Lucster, Les, Lester, Bud, Matthew, Matthew-McKuen, McKuen. Mr. Lucas, Lucas Howell, Mr. Brockwell, Dr. Brockwell.
Les T Brockwell.
Les Inept.
I dunno how much of that is actually endearing, but whatever.
Ok, i'm a filmmaker with a straight job. That's it. I resent it when people say that i'm a janitor. When people ask what i do, i say filmmaker. I say that i have a straight job to pay the bills.
I think people confuse need and want. I think people confuse favorite and best.
I think people should learn the difference.
I want a PSP.
I need a camera.
I want to get high.
I need to sleep.
Fight Club is my favorite movie.
Saving Private Ryan is the best movie i've seen.
I dont understand why people cant respect things they dont like or arent into.
I dont get the need to have kids. I understand the desire to spread ones' seed, i really do. I understand it on a very base level. But dont you think we've kinda gotten past that? Isnt that kind of a obsolete impulse these days?
And it might sound fascist, but i really believe that most people dont deserve kids.
I also think that athletes, models, and politicians should be put down as soon as their usefulness ceases. They should have 5years to do something else MEANINGFUL with their life, elsewise destroyed.
Like a horse with a broken leg...
I believe you should leave the world a better place than you came it, and i believe you should strive to do everything in your power to do so.
Tax churches.
Release non-violent criminals, have them pay restitution, treat the drug-addicts as addicts, not criminals.
Reeducate violent criminals, rehabilitate them. Teach them a trade so they'll be more equipped to deal with real world situations.
Teach sex education more thoroughly, preferably BEFORE kids become sexually active.
Suicide is illegal, the death penalty isnt. How'd that happen?
Discourage greed.
Discourage conformity.
Encourage charity.
Encourage individuality.
I dont understand frats, sororities. I dont understand the need to fit in, losing yourself to a group.
I dont understand yuppies. I dont understand the need for material possessions.
Money aint shit.
Charity isnt charity if you're looking for a pat on the back. Doing good is it's own reward.
I actually sat down and listened to the song Attack by 30 Seconds to Mars last night, and i'll tell ya this, that Leto kid can sing. I had my doubt about himactor fronting band. You kinda have to wonder about someone that says corny emo-shit like, What inspires us the most is the virtue of human struggle.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, the fronting on video games on Players really endeared you to me.
Too good for games, you pricky little fuck?
But, really, i might have to pick up their new CD.
And the Rise Against CD. Definitely.
And The Dead 60's.
Nicknames I've had:
Sam, Samuel, Sammy. Sammy Jay, Samuel J, Samuel L, Samuel L Jackson. J-Bird. Jay-Z. Sam-Z. Heck. Heckmeister. Heckmeyer. Heckle. What-the-heck. Max. Chilly. Stone Cold. Snake. Past Tense. Petey. Um... I think that might be it.
Drunk, happy Phased signing off.