Another crack at this whole not getting lost thing... but even as i look at the map i'm getting bad vibes.
i'm NOT going to get lost.
I will buy a map when i get there.
i'll give a full report when i get back.
I feel so intimidated.
I told Jerry of my last trip to Bloomington/Normal. About my disorientation and being stranded on Market St.
about how close i was to my goal.
He says he finds my poor sense of direction sad.
Inna funny kinda way.
He says he finds disorientation a challenge.
Heh. I'm onna death kick. Not a morbid one, i just like to find out which ways people prefer to die.
Lethal Injection and Freezing to death are the top two ways most people would rather die.
You know, if peacefully in yr sleep isnt an option.
Burn to Death or Freeze to Death?
Smother (via bag on yr head) or Choke (via gumball)?
Freeze or Buried Alive?
Buried Alive or Drown?
Burn or Smother?
Acid Burn or Fire Burn?
Fall from a Building or Fall into a Volcano?
Drown or Burn?
Drown or Fall?
Lethal injection or Gas Chamber?
Gas Chamber or Electrocution?
Electrocution or Lethal Injection?
Gas or Drown?
Electrocution or Drown?
Drown or burn?
Injection or Freeze?
I swear, it's nothing morbid.
Mission Accomplished! Or, Destination Reached, rather.
Oh, yeah: Destination Reached[Exclamation Point]
I found where i needed to be at approximately 120AM. I left my house at 12am.
Only a few missteps this time: I was attacked by a large beetle of some sort, which caused me to get off the highway and circle back around to Peoria. I felt the lil bugger on the side of my head, in my hair. At first i thought it was the wind making my hair tickle my cheek, but when i went to move my hair behind my ear i felt a hard leggy thing about the size of a Peanut M&M. Freaked out, i grabbed the bugger and THREW HIM IN THE PASSENGER SEAT...
Then i pulled back into Peoria and stopped as to locate the bug. I couldnt find him. At that point i considered cutting my losses and heading back homethe last thing i wanna do is be 20 miles outside of Bloomington, stuck between two semis, surrounded by construction cans, and feel the lil bastard crawl up my pant leg.
Figuring the bug crawled in the passenger seat, i jammed my umbrella in the seam (where the back of the seat meets the bottom) until i was sufficiently convinced he was dead.
So i'm twenty miles outside of Bloomington, sandwiched between two semis with construction barrels on either side of me, when i feel this...crawly sensation on the back of my knee.
It was the beetle. And i squashed him immediately, right in my pants.
I took the wrong exiti was supposed to take 165, i think. I got all panicky and took a different one. It lead me to the same(ish) place.
I spent the next 15 minutes driving around looking for Centre or Main. On the map they were well defined streets. In real life they look like any other street.
Then i passed every street i needed to takeatleast once.
Found where i needed to be, turned around and headed back...and got lost. I had to find Market, elsewise take 150 back.
Which i almost did.
Instead i stopped and asked directions. And bought a bottle of watercos i was thirsty as hell.
Seven stop lights, turn left on market, get on 74. Ride it back to Peoria.
And that's a half a tank of gas.
And my ankle hurts like a mutha.
And i'll most likely do it 3-4 more times before i feel comfortable getting where i need got in the daylight with traffic.
I've gotta take a bath.
Odd side note, i pulled my shoulder masturbatingdont ask me how.
i'm NOT going to get lost.
I will buy a map when i get there.
i'll give a full report when i get back.
I feel so intimidated.
I told Jerry of my last trip to Bloomington/Normal. About my disorientation and being stranded on Market St.
about how close i was to my goal.
He says he finds my poor sense of direction sad.
Inna funny kinda way.
He says he finds disorientation a challenge.
Heh. I'm onna death kick. Not a morbid one, i just like to find out which ways people prefer to die.
Lethal Injection and Freezing to death are the top two ways most people would rather die.
You know, if peacefully in yr sleep isnt an option.
Burn to Death or Freeze to Death?
Smother (via bag on yr head) or Choke (via gumball)?
Freeze or Buried Alive?
Buried Alive or Drown?
Burn or Smother?
Acid Burn or Fire Burn?
Fall from a Building or Fall into a Volcano?
Drown or Burn?
Drown or Fall?
Lethal injection or Gas Chamber?
Gas Chamber or Electrocution?
Electrocution or Lethal Injection?
Gas or Drown?
Electrocution or Drown?
Drown or burn?
Injection or Freeze?
I swear, it's nothing morbid.
Mission Accomplished! Or, Destination Reached, rather.
Oh, yeah: Destination Reached[Exclamation Point]
I found where i needed to be at approximately 120AM. I left my house at 12am.
Only a few missteps this time: I was attacked by a large beetle of some sort, which caused me to get off the highway and circle back around to Peoria. I felt the lil bugger on the side of my head, in my hair. At first i thought it was the wind making my hair tickle my cheek, but when i went to move my hair behind my ear i felt a hard leggy thing about the size of a Peanut M&M. Freaked out, i grabbed the bugger and THREW HIM IN THE PASSENGER SEAT...
Then i pulled back into Peoria and stopped as to locate the bug. I couldnt find him. At that point i considered cutting my losses and heading back homethe last thing i wanna do is be 20 miles outside of Bloomington, stuck between two semis, surrounded by construction cans, and feel the lil bastard crawl up my pant leg.
Figuring the bug crawled in the passenger seat, i jammed my umbrella in the seam (where the back of the seat meets the bottom) until i was sufficiently convinced he was dead.
So i'm twenty miles outside of Bloomington, sandwiched between two semis with construction barrels on either side of me, when i feel this...crawly sensation on the back of my knee.
It was the beetle. And i squashed him immediately, right in my pants.
I took the wrong exiti was supposed to take 165, i think. I got all panicky and took a different one. It lead me to the same(ish) place.
I spent the next 15 minutes driving around looking for Centre or Main. On the map they were well defined streets. In real life they look like any other street.
Then i passed every street i needed to takeatleast once.
Found where i needed to be, turned around and headed back...and got lost. I had to find Market, elsewise take 150 back.
Which i almost did.
Instead i stopped and asked directions. And bought a bottle of watercos i was thirsty as hell.
Seven stop lights, turn left on market, get on 74. Ride it back to Peoria.
And that's a half a tank of gas.
And my ankle hurts like a mutha.
And i'll most likely do it 3-4 more times before i feel comfortable getting where i need got in the daylight with traffic.
I've gotta take a bath.
Odd side note, i pulled my shoulder masturbatingdont ask me how.
i got tennis elbow from masterbating once!
you seem to be a little preocupied with the fire aspect of dying, all those different ways to burn, i just hope you remember there are other ways, car accidnet, execution by gunshot, decapitiation,etc. all seemingly harmless and compleatly viable options
have a good day