I must preface this post with: I have an over-exaggerated sense of purpose.
i got alotta shit today over what i wore. Not because it was offensive or obscene, per se, but because of the colors.
Lite, brightish olive green pants and a powder blue security shirt.
It started with Jerry talking about how the colors clashed, how they didnt match whatsoever.
He didnt accept my reasoning of that's the effect i was going for, and he decided to take it upon himself to show me how i looked.
How he did this was periodically pulling some random person aside and asking them if the stuff i had on went with one another.
Answers ranged from No, to Absolutely Not, to It's a conflict of colors!
Although, one lady said that the two hues were found meshed together in nature, and there they blended beautify. She said they worked near the same effect in my outfit.
My ensemble.
I accepted this and it became my new rationale.
I take my style cues from nature.
J, however, didnt accept this and continued to try and show me how wrong i was.
He said that my style choices are what keeps me from moving up and being accepted.
That my inability to effectively blend in with the general populous is hindering my progress of socialization. Or assimilation. One of the two. I dunno if how i used socialization is correct. One might take it as a communist ployin which case, i'm using the second definition.
Ok, so being different and eccentric, ignoring fashionistas, thumbing yr nose at the status quomarching to the beat of yr own drum is all well and good, as long as you're already in a position of power or have enough money and influence to buy, solicit, or induce respect.
But, hang on you pierced, inked and dyed massesi'm not complaining about being persecuted for being different, nor am i bitching about how different i am with nary an ink blot or man made hole in sight. I'm just saying that being as such doesnt necessarily make you different. Or, anymore different than the legions of inked, pierced and dyed folks you see every day on the MTV, dig?
So get a original fucking personality before you are bitching about not being acceptedchances are, you're not accepted for who you are because you're a poseur-ass douche bag.
And, no, being in a band, being an artist isnt an original personalitySEE ALSO Papa Roach and every local artist in yr areathe Andy Warhol wannabes. Because Andy Warhol was as original and talented as they come, right?
Being an artist is the basis for a good characterization, but only the foundation for an original personality.
So fucking build on it.
I mean, how many purple headed, studded blelted Artists does one have to encounter before a stabbing can be condoned?

i got alotta shit today over what i wore. Not because it was offensive or obscene, per se, but because of the colors.
Lite, brightish olive green pants and a powder blue security shirt.
It started with Jerry talking about how the colors clashed, how they didnt match whatsoever.
He didnt accept my reasoning of that's the effect i was going for, and he decided to take it upon himself to show me how i looked.
How he did this was periodically pulling some random person aside and asking them if the stuff i had on went with one another.
Answers ranged from No, to Absolutely Not, to It's a conflict of colors!
Although, one lady said that the two hues were found meshed together in nature, and there they blended beautify. She said they worked near the same effect in my outfit.
My ensemble.
I accepted this and it became my new rationale.
I take my style cues from nature.
J, however, didnt accept this and continued to try and show me how wrong i was.
He said that my style choices are what keeps me from moving up and being accepted.
That my inability to effectively blend in with the general populous is hindering my progress of socialization. Or assimilation. One of the two. I dunno if how i used socialization is correct. One might take it as a communist ployin which case, i'm using the second definition.
Ok, so being different and eccentric, ignoring fashionistas, thumbing yr nose at the status quomarching to the beat of yr own drum is all well and good, as long as you're already in a position of power or have enough money and influence to buy, solicit, or induce respect.
But, hang on you pierced, inked and dyed massesi'm not complaining about being persecuted for being different, nor am i bitching about how different i am with nary an ink blot or man made hole in sight. I'm just saying that being as such doesnt necessarily make you different. Or, anymore different than the legions of inked, pierced and dyed folks you see every day on the MTV, dig?
So get a original fucking personality before you are bitching about not being acceptedchances are, you're not accepted for who you are because you're a poseur-ass douche bag.
And, no, being in a band, being an artist isnt an original personalitySEE ALSO Papa Roach and every local artist in yr areathe Andy Warhol wannabes. Because Andy Warhol was as original and talented as they come, right?
Being an artist is the basis for a good characterization, but only the foundation for an original personality.
So fucking build on it.
I mean, how many purple headed, studded blelted Artists does one have to encounter before a stabbing can be condoned?

and what's up with the name change?
ummm, as one midwesterner to another, you could either join a band, or become an artist or find a job thats a little less superficial. otherwise, your lookin at the good world of outward apearence conforming to the inner workings of the job. i like to think however, that just because i look like everyone else, doesn't mean i'm not holdin any goods. you dig?