500$ on clothes. *bangs head on desk*
I'm clothed adequately, I'm not naked or homeless. I'm not behind trends because i never fell into any real trend. My shoes have holes in em, but they're still functional.
So, why'd i buy new shoes? The exact same kind, same colour, same thing?
Do i really need 130$ of more offensive t-shirts?
WTF is wrong with me? I'm never gonna get anything donei need new glasses, damnit. I need an eye exam and i need an editing programme and a new camera. I dont need cargo pants and bowling shirts.
It's because i need something to complain aboutit's because I'm competing with Samuel on some subconscious level.
I did the balance transfer thingie and over paid my cards. So i used the excess credit to but new clothes. I should have just transferred it back, but i bought new shoes.
Atleast i didnt get more hoodies. Atleast i have that going for me.
But i figured i'd be spending the money anyway, i needed clothes. I wanted clothes, rather.
Like i said, I'm rather well clothed.
Too well clothed.
I had a rant about racism where i talked about how racially diverse my family is and how i have closet racist friends who forget who i am and say stupid rascist shit... but... 500...gone.
Fuckit. Gotta find some pics of me smiling or something.
I'm clothed adequately, I'm not naked or homeless. I'm not behind trends because i never fell into any real trend. My shoes have holes in em, but they're still functional.
So, why'd i buy new shoes? The exact same kind, same colour, same thing?
Do i really need 130$ of more offensive t-shirts?
WTF is wrong with me? I'm never gonna get anything donei need new glasses, damnit. I need an eye exam and i need an editing programme and a new camera. I dont need cargo pants and bowling shirts.
It's because i need something to complain aboutit's because I'm competing with Samuel on some subconscious level.
I did the balance transfer thingie and over paid my cards. So i used the excess credit to but new clothes. I should have just transferred it back, but i bought new shoes.
Atleast i didnt get more hoodies. Atleast i have that going for me.
But i figured i'd be spending the money anyway, i needed clothes. I wanted clothes, rather.
Like i said, I'm rather well clothed.
Too well clothed.
I had a rant about racism where i talked about how racially diverse my family is and how i have closet racist friends who forget who i am and say stupid rascist shit... but... 500...gone.
Fuckit. Gotta find some pics of me smiling or something.
welcome to my disease last week alone i spent 300, and that was an average week.
if only we could some how channel our penchant for disposing of cash into something constructive, like a savings account.