people born in 1987 are 18...this, oddly, makes me feel old. goddamnit. that's only a 5yr difference, but...isnt that enough? i mean, soon enough it's gonna be someone born in the 90's is 18. you know how fucked that is?
anyway...not like i rememeber much from 87 anyway.
not like i remember anything till about 90-91.
anyone ever notice val kilmer's elbow? his left one? it has this big assed bump on it, like a tumor or something. it's creepy. i first noticed it when watching Salton Sea, but i thought it was some prosthetic or something. i checked his profile on IMDB and it made no mention of it, so to me that was a confimation. then i was watching Heat and...there's the goddamn bump...i wonder what it is, how it happened.
Watched Jackhammer Massacre and Corpses are Forever over the weekend. I did so because i've seen Dracula 3000 and feel i can handle any filmed shit.
i had to turn Corpses off after the first 40 mins because it gave me a stomach ache. This dude, the writer/director/star/producer/whatever, within the first 10 mins, he's KUNG-FU FIGHTING ZOMBIES!
and it's not good kung fu. it's like...dude doesnt even hit the motherfuckers, doesnt even come close.
the closest he comes is a foot, i aint even shitting you. and the "zombies," they react in the worst way. delayed. and they fall slowly. and brace themselved with their hands.
it's horrible.
the dude shot it at a distance, but even so far back you can TELL THERE'S NO CONTACT. wtf?
and there's no nudity. a shitty b-movie sans nudity?
about an hour into it, the story finds it's balance. i found out it's supposed to be a comedy, but that's not good enough.
there's gonna be a sequal. it said so at the begining of the end credits.
i'll prolly watch it...cos i saw the first one...damnit.
no...nudity. heh.
but it wasnt as bad a Drac 3k.
Jackhammer had a great begining and decent middle. shitty finale. within the first 10 mins dude rips a guys face up with a jackhammer...
it also had Rob and Rachel Rotten in it, this was an added bonus. it was kooky and funny and all the guys looked like gay porn stars and took off their shirts for no reason whatsoever.
super cool.
but the last 30 mins or so suuuu-uucked.
much much much better than Drac 3k and Corpses.
Corpses, btw, is an amalgamation of James Bond espionage and, like, Romero flicks. the zombies...were on screen for less than 10 mins. and they were just there to be beaten in badly choreographed kung-fu battles.
worst zombie movie ever, not the worst film ever. *cough*drac3k*cough*
Gonna watch all of Uwe Boll's movies next. starting with House of the Dead.
if you dont know why, you dont need to know.
time for quotes...cos i'm feeling too lazy to post something original...
No one who recognizes that problems that have never existed before emerge for every new generation can believe in the working on an inherited unconscious. Individual psychology is well too acquainted with the groping and searching of the human spirit and with its artistic activities, be they wrong or right, in the solution of its problems, to accept that belief. It is the activity of each separate person resulting from his style of life that conditions his own solution of his problems. The value of the theory of types to a large extent disappears when the poverty of human speech is realized. How different are the relationships which we describe with the word love! Are two introverted people ever the same? Is it conceivable that two can ever take a uniform course here beneath the changing moon?
anyway...not like i rememeber much from 87 anyway.
not like i remember anything till about 90-91.
anyone ever notice val kilmer's elbow? his left one? it has this big assed bump on it, like a tumor or something. it's creepy. i first noticed it when watching Salton Sea, but i thought it was some prosthetic or something. i checked his profile on IMDB and it made no mention of it, so to me that was a confimation. then i was watching Heat and...there's the goddamn bump...i wonder what it is, how it happened.
Watched Jackhammer Massacre and Corpses are Forever over the weekend. I did so because i've seen Dracula 3000 and feel i can handle any filmed shit.
i had to turn Corpses off after the first 40 mins because it gave me a stomach ache. This dude, the writer/director/star/producer/whatever, within the first 10 mins, he's KUNG-FU FIGHTING ZOMBIES!
and it's not good kung fu. it's like...dude doesnt even hit the motherfuckers, doesnt even come close.
the closest he comes is a foot, i aint even shitting you. and the "zombies," they react in the worst way. delayed. and they fall slowly. and brace themselved with their hands.
it's horrible.
the dude shot it at a distance, but even so far back you can TELL THERE'S NO CONTACT. wtf?
and there's no nudity. a shitty b-movie sans nudity?
about an hour into it, the story finds it's balance. i found out it's supposed to be a comedy, but that's not good enough.
there's gonna be a sequal. it said so at the begining of the end credits.
i'll prolly watch it...cos i saw the first one...damnit.
no...nudity. heh.
but it wasnt as bad a Drac 3k.
Jackhammer had a great begining and decent middle. shitty finale. within the first 10 mins dude rips a guys face up with a jackhammer...
it also had Rob and Rachel Rotten in it, this was an added bonus. it was kooky and funny and all the guys looked like gay porn stars and took off their shirts for no reason whatsoever.
super cool.
but the last 30 mins or so suuuu-uucked.
much much much better than Drac 3k and Corpses.
Corpses, btw, is an amalgamation of James Bond espionage and, like, Romero flicks. the zombies...were on screen for less than 10 mins. and they were just there to be beaten in badly choreographed kung-fu battles.
worst zombie movie ever, not the worst film ever. *cough*drac3k*cough*
Gonna watch all of Uwe Boll's movies next. starting with House of the Dead.
if you dont know why, you dont need to know.
time for quotes...cos i'm feeling too lazy to post something original...
No one who recognizes that problems that have never existed before emerge for every new generation can believe in the working on an inherited unconscious. Individual psychology is well too acquainted with the groping and searching of the human spirit and with its artistic activities, be they wrong or right, in the solution of its problems, to accept that belief. It is the activity of each separate person resulting from his style of life that conditions his own solution of his problems. The value of the theory of types to a large extent disappears when the poverty of human speech is realized. How different are the relationships which we describe with the word love! Are two introverted people ever the same? Is it conceivable that two can ever take a uniform course here beneath the changing moon?
Yes... language is often so inadequate in its ability to express emotions, feelings.