There are a few occasions in which dignity doesnt matter. One occasion is when yr sleepy.
When yr sleepy, dignity goes right out the window.
I can recall many a time when i was with a person/some people and i got really tired. At first i tried to ignore it, quash my fatigue by jumping in the conversation or drinking a lot of coffee.
But that never lasts.
And soon yr yawning full-on, showing folks you havent brushed in a couple days.
Crooked teeth and extra chin ahoy!
Permission to bored. (it's a play on words, laugh bitches)
Time to present it allballs to the wind, as it were.
With all the yawning and drooping (just typing yawn makes me wanna yawn), it's less than attractive.
But to sleep in public, on a bus or a plane, in a restaurant, on a bench, outside a building, at the DMV, that's when you let it ALL hang out.
Sex is the other occasion.
While i'm sure we all tryTRYto to be attractive, i cant imagine anyone looking lovely whilst fucking. anyways.
Men fucking is about as beautiful pooping.
It's disgusting.
Women tend to maintain a bit of coital-aesthetic-dignity up until orgasm.
Even then some maintain that beauty.
Or maybe a chick having an actual orgasm is so rare it's something that holds beauty in it's selfa sense of reverie should be maintained.
Like when you see a dingo eating a taco.
Or something.
And dont be so American and confuse beauty and sexy/sexuality.
There's a small moment in which the line of beauty, of aesthetics and the line sexuality crosses.
A split second.
But we've taken sexy and hot as synonyms for beautiful, when what we really mean is Skanky and Slutty.
That's how fucking lost we are.
And when yr drunk or high, that's two more times in which dignity goes out the window...err...
I got bored yesterday. I couldnt sleep, so i tried to give myself an afro.
Didnt really work out that well.
I'm working off of a business part so it looked shit.
I'll have to part my hair down the middle before i try that again.
Ooh! And i'll do pigtails and do two big afro-puff thingies.
And take a picture.
And put it on here.
Because that's a cry for help.
S V.9 has an interesting feature. You input video clips and music and it edits it up into a music video.
And, you know what, it does a good job.
Cuts my job in half.
I first used a short film of Me and S when we were drunk, decapitating Barbies with this POS sword thingie that i bought for 14$ at the Civic Centre. I set that to Kittie's Spit.
And it was fucking HILARIOUS!
Then i took SOAD's Sugar and dropped some arbitrary videos that i've been capturing (One of Jed rubbing his nipple...).
And i also put some porn in.
It was all lesbian porn, though, that's all what Sammy has in his pron collection.
I was hoping for some Dick Porn, but Sammy's highly against dicks in his porn...
But quick shot of some Piston Pounding would have been so bloody fucking funny.
The only down side is that there's no personal touches in the video. It's all...just arbitrary video that's splayed on top of music.
It's so random, though, that it's brilliant. Computer stream of consciousness.
Like when Tzara did the words/phrases in the hat thing.
But only with computers.
And porn...errr...
Fuck the Rubix Cube, btw. Fuck it up it's ass. Sneak up behind it and bend it over a trash can and fuck it in it's ass. And smack it in the back of the head while doing so. And call it obscene names.
And when you've unloaded, step back and bunch it in it's ribs.
And then spit on it.
And walk away.
Because the Rubix Cube is just asking for it.
I worked on it for an hour and a half before i looked up a strategy guide off the interweb.
Then i worked on it some more.
They gave me some jive about memorizing algorithms and U F B L M and shit like that.
I made it half way thru the third step before i remembered THAT I FUCKING HATE MATH!
Oh yeah, they kept giving me shit about 2x2x3 or something.
These fucks worship the cube.
But, in the end, i was able to get it.
I was able to finish the Rubix Cube...
Took me three hours before i found the key, but i found it...
Here's how:
I got people talking about pooping themselves at Cipher's journal. I am very pleased with myself.
Oh, yeah. i saw TMV's video for The Window the other night...
I didnt think something could possibly be both heavy-handed ond overly-symbolic at the same time...but this video managed to do that.
It looked like some half-wit first year film-school punk made it.
it was that bad.
I was a fan of At The Drive In, and i picked up TMV's De-Loused in the Comatorium right when it hit...but...goddamn if i didnt find it a lil pretentious.
I love Cedric's voice, i really do, so i'll prolly nab Frances the Mute when it hits...but i hope they revive some of their old emo tendencies...
And maybe do another duet with Iggy
I keep dropping my ciggy in the ashtray, getting ash on the wet my secrets out, I've been smoking for 7years and i still Duck-Ass my cigarettes.
Fucking lamer...
When yr sleepy, dignity goes right out the window.
I can recall many a time when i was with a person/some people and i got really tired. At first i tried to ignore it, quash my fatigue by jumping in the conversation or drinking a lot of coffee.
But that never lasts.
And soon yr yawning full-on, showing folks you havent brushed in a couple days.
Crooked teeth and extra chin ahoy!
Permission to bored. (it's a play on words, laugh bitches)
Time to present it allballs to the wind, as it were.
With all the yawning and drooping (just typing yawn makes me wanna yawn), it's less than attractive.
But to sleep in public, on a bus or a plane, in a restaurant, on a bench, outside a building, at the DMV, that's when you let it ALL hang out.
Sex is the other occasion.
While i'm sure we all tryTRYto to be attractive, i cant imagine anyone looking lovely whilst fucking. anyways.
Men fucking is about as beautiful pooping.
It's disgusting.
Women tend to maintain a bit of coital-aesthetic-dignity up until orgasm.
Even then some maintain that beauty.
Or maybe a chick having an actual orgasm is so rare it's something that holds beauty in it's selfa sense of reverie should be maintained.
Like when you see a dingo eating a taco.
Or something.
And dont be so American and confuse beauty and sexy/sexuality.
There's a small moment in which the line of beauty, of aesthetics and the line sexuality crosses.
A split second.
But we've taken sexy and hot as synonyms for beautiful, when what we really mean is Skanky and Slutty.
That's how fucking lost we are.
And when yr drunk or high, that's two more times in which dignity goes out the window...err...
I got bored yesterday. I couldnt sleep, so i tried to give myself an afro.
Didnt really work out that well.
I'm working off of a business part so it looked shit.
I'll have to part my hair down the middle before i try that again.
Ooh! And i'll do pigtails and do two big afro-puff thingies.
And take a picture.
And put it on here.
Because that's a cry for help.
S V.9 has an interesting feature. You input video clips and music and it edits it up into a music video.
And, you know what, it does a good job.
Cuts my job in half.
I first used a short film of Me and S when we were drunk, decapitating Barbies with this POS sword thingie that i bought for 14$ at the Civic Centre. I set that to Kittie's Spit.
And it was fucking HILARIOUS!
Then i took SOAD's Sugar and dropped some arbitrary videos that i've been capturing (One of Jed rubbing his nipple...).
And i also put some porn in.
It was all lesbian porn, though, that's all what Sammy has in his pron collection.
I was hoping for some Dick Porn, but Sammy's highly against dicks in his porn...
But quick shot of some Piston Pounding would have been so bloody fucking funny.
The only down side is that there's no personal touches in the video. It's all...just arbitrary video that's splayed on top of music.
It's so random, though, that it's brilliant. Computer stream of consciousness.
Like when Tzara did the words/phrases in the hat thing.
But only with computers.
And porn...errr...
Fuck the Rubix Cube, btw. Fuck it up it's ass. Sneak up behind it and bend it over a trash can and fuck it in it's ass. And smack it in the back of the head while doing so. And call it obscene names.
And when you've unloaded, step back and bunch it in it's ribs.
And then spit on it.
And walk away.
Because the Rubix Cube is just asking for it.
I worked on it for an hour and a half before i looked up a strategy guide off the interweb.
Then i worked on it some more.
They gave me some jive about memorizing algorithms and U F B L M and shit like that.
I made it half way thru the third step before i remembered THAT I FUCKING HATE MATH!
Oh yeah, they kept giving me shit about 2x2x3 or something.
These fucks worship the cube.
But, in the end, i was able to get it.
I was able to finish the Rubix Cube...
Took me three hours before i found the key, but i found it...
Here's how:
I got people talking about pooping themselves at Cipher's journal. I am very pleased with myself.
Oh, yeah. i saw TMV's video for The Window the other night...
I didnt think something could possibly be both heavy-handed ond overly-symbolic at the same time...but this video managed to do that.
It looked like some half-wit first year film-school punk made it.
it was that bad.
I was a fan of At The Drive In, and i picked up TMV's De-Loused in the Comatorium right when it hit...but...goddamn if i didnt find it a lil pretentious.
I love Cedric's voice, i really do, so i'll prolly nab Frances the Mute when it hits...but i hope they revive some of their old emo tendencies...
And maybe do another duet with Iggy
I keep dropping my ciggy in the ashtray, getting ash on the wet my secrets out, I've been smoking for 7years and i still Duck-Ass my cigarettes.
Fucking lamer...
Oh yeah... I meant the literal whores, not the figurative kind. I mean, I'd only go to a trained professional. I wouldn't give some freelance amateur unfettered access to my top-of-the-line equipment...
Welcome to the BCB group