Watched Collateral last night. My god...great movie. Great movie, and yet another reason i wanna shoot on digital video.
2 more days. 2 more fucking days, then it's over my Christian friends. Another year before you can exploit your lord and savior's birthday. He wasnt even born in December, you fucking was like March or something. They changed it to correspond with the Pagan festivities (SEE ALSO: fur trees et al). Jolly ol'...nevermind.
My old high school, East or West Campus, i'm not for sure, was a rather gothic place. It's closed down now, and i pass it regularly when i'm in Pekin. They're selling it, i think for 100k or something. If i had the money, i'd so fucking buy it and turn it into...something cool, i dunno what. I wanna shoot in there before it's demolished or renovated or whatever.
Anyway, i tend to have scary, disoriented dreams about the place. Some of which involve me trying in vain to ditch jocks and neo-fascists (READ: Pekinites) who are trying to kick my ass. Other's involve me trying to get to class or skipping class or trying to hide the fact that i forgot to wear shoeswhich is a reoccurring theme in a lot of my anxiety laden dreams of that time in my life.
This one in particular which i had last nite (this afternoon) involved me giving blood on the roof on the main/old part of the school. This terrified me, but the nurse involved convinced me that, with meditation, i would be able to block out the pain. For some reason, instead of meditating, i just closed my eyes and imagined i was being tortured.
When i opened my eyes, i was in a lab. In the middle of the lab was a big, round, metal air duct with eye holes in it, like someone had been hiding in there, watching the blood bank whatnot-thing. Around the right eye hole, there was dried blood splattered around it.
Jump forward to another part i remember.
There was an extremely tall black woman with an executioner's mask on.
Jump forward...
I'm creeping around the old gothic part of the school trying to get out to my car, when i come to a burned out part of the building. I'm on the second floor, on a balcony of sorts, and i hear a television going on the first. Someone's watching sports. As i step closer, the floor creeks and i hear panicked movement below me.
I take off like a bunny.
Now i'm outside, it's warm, about 40 or 50 degrees, but it's snowing big, wet cotton balls of snow. I can see my car down the block, across the street, and i run to get to it. As i get closer, i realize there are people putting my car in the back of an 18 wheeler. And there's a chain link fence in front of me, blocking me from getting to it. And i cant yell because i don't want to draw the attention of whoever was watching the television in the burnt out part of the school.
So i fire my old-style six-shooter at em.
Because in the dream, this makes sense.
Then i wake up.
On the way home from Pekin tonite, on 24, across from the Superior plant (another place i'd like to shoot at), there stood a whole gaggle of gerungos. A gerungo, by the way, is a tiny giraffe, around the same size as a deer.
They even look kinda like deer. 'Cept they have reflectors stapled on they're horns. At birth, a balding fat guy in a skintight Spiderman costume staple the reflectors to their heads.
Or, so that's the myth....ooooOOOOOOooo (cue scary music).
They're rabid lil bastards, as well. They attack cars, moving or not, and attach themselves to the tireslike, like, like giant furry ticks! You know, if ticks attached themselves to car tires and, one can take a mannoten men out in a matter of seconds.
Or, so that's the myth...that Sammy and i made up...we were driving around a few months ago, when an animal ran out in front of us, and in a panic i screamed, Watch out for the giraffe!
Of course it wasnt a giraffe. They're kinda scarce in this area, you know, giraffes and such. It was a gerungo.
Or a deer, if you wanna be a prick.
But on Planet Les, we calls em gerungos.
"The entire world can be predicted if you only stop and thinkif you only analyze. If you only stop and plan for a moment, you can always see whats coming. This was just the beginning, for us and her. This was just a nice, neat story for all of us to tell. Something for our grandkids, and friends. Something to get drunk over and shout aboutsomething to cry about."
2 more days. 2 more fucking days, then it's over my Christian friends. Another year before you can exploit your lord and savior's birthday. He wasnt even born in December, you fucking was like March or something. They changed it to correspond with the Pagan festivities (SEE ALSO: fur trees et al). Jolly ol'...nevermind.
My old high school, East or West Campus, i'm not for sure, was a rather gothic place. It's closed down now, and i pass it regularly when i'm in Pekin. They're selling it, i think for 100k or something. If i had the money, i'd so fucking buy it and turn it into...something cool, i dunno what. I wanna shoot in there before it's demolished or renovated or whatever.
Anyway, i tend to have scary, disoriented dreams about the place. Some of which involve me trying in vain to ditch jocks and neo-fascists (READ: Pekinites) who are trying to kick my ass. Other's involve me trying to get to class or skipping class or trying to hide the fact that i forgot to wear shoeswhich is a reoccurring theme in a lot of my anxiety laden dreams of that time in my life.
This one in particular which i had last nite (this afternoon) involved me giving blood on the roof on the main/old part of the school. This terrified me, but the nurse involved convinced me that, with meditation, i would be able to block out the pain. For some reason, instead of meditating, i just closed my eyes and imagined i was being tortured.
When i opened my eyes, i was in a lab. In the middle of the lab was a big, round, metal air duct with eye holes in it, like someone had been hiding in there, watching the blood bank whatnot-thing. Around the right eye hole, there was dried blood splattered around it.
Jump forward to another part i remember.
There was an extremely tall black woman with an executioner's mask on.
Jump forward...
I'm creeping around the old gothic part of the school trying to get out to my car, when i come to a burned out part of the building. I'm on the second floor, on a balcony of sorts, and i hear a television going on the first. Someone's watching sports. As i step closer, the floor creeks and i hear panicked movement below me.
I take off like a bunny.
Now i'm outside, it's warm, about 40 or 50 degrees, but it's snowing big, wet cotton balls of snow. I can see my car down the block, across the street, and i run to get to it. As i get closer, i realize there are people putting my car in the back of an 18 wheeler. And there's a chain link fence in front of me, blocking me from getting to it. And i cant yell because i don't want to draw the attention of whoever was watching the television in the burnt out part of the school.
So i fire my old-style six-shooter at em.
Because in the dream, this makes sense.
Then i wake up.
On the way home from Pekin tonite, on 24, across from the Superior plant (another place i'd like to shoot at), there stood a whole gaggle of gerungos. A gerungo, by the way, is a tiny giraffe, around the same size as a deer.
They even look kinda like deer. 'Cept they have reflectors stapled on they're horns. At birth, a balding fat guy in a skintight Spiderman costume staple the reflectors to their heads.
Or, so that's the myth....ooooOOOOOOooo (cue scary music).
They're rabid lil bastards, as well. They attack cars, moving or not, and attach themselves to the tireslike, like, like giant furry ticks! You know, if ticks attached themselves to car tires and, one can take a mannoten men out in a matter of seconds.
Or, so that's the myth...that Sammy and i made up...we were driving around a few months ago, when an animal ran out in front of us, and in a panic i screamed, Watch out for the giraffe!
Of course it wasnt a giraffe. They're kinda scarce in this area, you know, giraffes and such. It was a gerungo.
Or a deer, if you wanna be a prick.
But on Planet Les, we calls em gerungos.
"The entire world can be predicted if you only stop and thinkif you only analyze. If you only stop and plan for a moment, you can always see whats coming. This was just the beginning, for us and her. This was just a nice, neat story for all of us to tell. Something for our grandkids, and friends. Something to get drunk over and shout aboutsomething to cry about."