10am. what a ungodly fucking hour. dog trashed the house and i dont feel like cleaning it up.
i fucking hate dogs.
i think i'm getting tired of smoking. either that or i'm thirsty.
and i have a headache.
i should go back to bed. fuck this. more later.
i fucking hate dogs.
i think i'm getting tired of smoking. either that or i'm thirsty.
and i have a headache.
i should go back to bed. fuck this. more later.
lovesick vombot was porked by the mad priate?
there's a booty joke in there somewhere.
i love dogs.. i'm allergic to cats. but there ok. even though they poop in a box and they're in control of everything.
is it your dog, how old is it. i think it senses your hostility and is actingout to gain negitive attention....oh sorry thats a note from my 8th grade teacher to my mom.
seriously though, who's dog is it? i'll take it if you don't want it.