So this week’s homework for the Hopefuls & SGs is to tell everyone 10 things about themselves we might not know. It’s been a long day so I figured a good way to end the night would be by doing the same as we asked the ladies to do.
1) I’m adopted. I was adopted at 6 weeks old, I never had the desire to find my birth parents, plus Ohio has a shitty sealed adoption system that would have required a ton of time and money to find them. But recently the state adoption records from 1959 to 1996 were unsealed. This has caused an unusual feeling for me of wanting to find my birth parents and I’m not sure why.
2) I met my wife online, but not on a dating website. We met 12-13 years ago on a play by post roleplaying site during a Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplay session.
3) My parents divorced when I was around 9 or 10, my mom met a gentleman named David Riedy at their shared divorce lawyer’s office, and they would marry a few years later. Dave’s ex-wife is the woman who my Dad cheat on my mom with, and would go onto marry as well. Yes that’s right I have the same two step-brothers on both sides of my parents remarriages.
4) My Dad, my Step-Dad, and my oldest Step-brother are all three named David. It gets fucking confusing.
5) I fear everyone in my life is lying to me and that no one actually likes me or is even interested in me. This goes for friends, family, people online, nearly everyone outside of my Mom, Dad, Step-Dad, Grandma, Wife and Daughter.
6) Even though I have two Step-Brothers I was an only child, when my mom remarried both my Step-brothers were over 25.
7) My Wife’s family treats me 1000 times better than my own family (aside from those mentioned above). Her family treats me like a family is supposed to; this feels amazing, and also terrifying.
8) My Dad’s side of the family has always kept me at arm’s reach, I am the only adopted child in the family and they see that as a mark against me.
9) I long to be around other people, but at the same time hate it and am terrified of it; it makes no sense even to me.
10) Every Christmas eve my Mom and Step-Dad go to mass, I lie my way out of going a make my wife who isn’t even Catholic go instead. I go and spend an hour wandering around a cemetery looking for the grave of a close friend of mine who died a few years ago. After 3 years of this I still can’t find his grave. Next year I plan to go to three separate cemeteries, the first two to see different grandparents, the final will be the same as all the past years as I try to find Wally’s grave.
All right so there are my ten facts, hope you enjoyed reading them.