This is going to be a ramble but fuck it, it is my blog.

I haven't drank hard in 3 3/4 months since I quit my job, I think the most I have drank was 3 beers and a shot of JD, I don't even really have the desire to drink anymore, even when the opportunity arises.

Yesterday I apparently didn't drink enough pop because...
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So this weekend I plan to get back behind the camera for the first time in 6 months or so. I stopped for a couple reasons, first my laptop died, then I had a free promotional shoot client get super shitty with me. If anyone in northern Ohio is interested in getting together and shooting around, or such let me know.


Blog Entry Number:.....who knows.

I intended to write this everyday, that obviously failed. This whole stay at home dad thing is a lot more tiring then I expected. We have been having good and bad days, a lot of massive swings in mood from one day to the next (from the lil bit that is).

Today we reached a point that I have no clue...
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Does it make me a bad Dad that I just couldn't do it this morning and put my daughter down for a nap an hour earlier then normal, and since she is quiet still haven't gotten her up?

nope. good dads gotta rest also.
Nothing wrong with giving yourself a well-deserved break. <3

Day 10:

I have survived this far on my wits alone, I'm being hunted but I think the hunter is asleep for the night, I may have a chance to eat, clean myself and rest before she wakes up again and the vicious cycle begins anew.

Our day of survival began at 5:30Am when we had to take Mommy to work, once we got home...
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Well after missing a whole week I will have another Stay at home dad blog up tonight...I hope.


Day 2:

My daughter looks like something the 80's puked up this morning, yellow and pink polka dot rain boots, blue jeans, a neon rainbow tutu, a neon rainbow skeleton shirt, and like 5 pastel hair band thingies.

Thank god my saint of a wife takes the morning shift, Lia woke up at 6Am today and Amanda got up with her saving me from getting...
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Hehe for an explanation about Frozen, read this : http://www.explodingunicorn.com/2015/03/when-little-girls-rule-world.html

So I am going to try and blog every day with my experiences as a stay at home dad, today is my wife's first day back to work since she had our daughter, so my blog will start today.


OK so far so good, Lia didn't argue with me over nuggets, fries, milk, and gold fish for lunch. As anyone with a child knows...
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Pizza rolls and strawberry apple sauce? .... Awesome. Also, I love reading this type stuff. Keep up the good work. :)
Oh man, this is going to be fun to read. Kids are the weirdest creatures. It's like studying a new species

So in the past 24 hours we have had what might be a massive life changing event. My wife got hired into the management training program at Menards (It's like Home Depot). But the way they do things means 4 months from now she moves to another store, most likely out of state so we would obviously move with her, and then 33-9 months later...
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Moving at first is terrifying, saying goodbye to familiarity is hard - but it's simple to stay in touch with friends who are worth it. The upside is you get to explore new places, meet new people and find new things over and over. I don't regret any of the times I moved away for a job.
My biggest fear is that it will be like when I moved to Fl in 2007, we lived down there 18 months or so and I virtually never left the house, I had no friends and lived on the computer for some form of social interaction. But we will see, and ya never know this might be what we needed in our life.

As a 30 year old male I watch enough Mickey Mouse Club House, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, and Sheriff Callie with my 3 year old daughter that I find myself looking forward to Fridays for new episodes, and find myself looking forward to specific episodes. I think at times I like the shows more the she does.


So this week’s homework for the Hopefuls & SGs is to tell everyone 10 things about themselves we might not know. It’s been a long day so I figured a good way to end the night would be by doing the same as we asked the ladies to do.

1) I’m adopted. I was adopted at 6 weeks old, I never had the desire to...
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I like you and am interested in you - despite are differences in opinions on whiskeys. :)
Wow, you've revealed some intensely personal things and I admire you for it. And I like you. <3