do i have bi-polar disorder? yes. am i manic right now. yes. am i high? yes. do i give a fuck about any of that? no. fuck the va, fuck the pills, fuck the diagnosis, fuck bi-polar, and fuck charlie sheen. i own this shit. oh no don't let me have a period of time when i have heightened creativity and intellect where i have...
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moving into a new apartment tomorrow. just me. no family no room mate no pet. just me. hey if you live in central fla and want to live dirt ass cheap let me know. anyways i look forward to it but i also have depression and dont do alone well so we will see how it goes. wish me luck!!
new born clay just arrived
to this place tonight
no food or friends or shelter
or clarity of sight
you'll soon be molded naive one
into a receptacle of pain
this will be your payment
for protection from the rain
you'll learn our ways
and embrace our fears
like all that came before
surrender all your hopes and dreams
like a child gone to war
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people aren't ready for me. they also aren't ready for most of you. they're not. We were born before our time. All of these slaves marching off to there offices with lukewarm coffee and a tattered briefcase have no clue who or what we are. We have cast off the shackles of conformity and embraced life for the adventure it is. beautiful, infinite, and for...
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i want to totally move away from everyone. get a cabin in the woods and write poetry and play guitar and have some pets and say fuck everyone. i can't. i can't do it. If you scrape away all the layers of bullshit from me, the anger, the sadness, the dark brooding thoughts you find the spirit of a child. An extremely optimistic child that...
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ok here is a story of both weakness and strength, both sad and beautiful.
A little boy who has been beaten since the age of 2 and raped twice starts 5th grade. the teacher he has is in her 20's and really nice. demanding but in a nice way. so stuff going on at home but he is doing well in school. well one saturday...
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ever try to create when you have no fucking inspiration what so ever? i know i'm supposed to write and play music and love and embrace the beauty found in the commonplace but its really hard when i think about how incredibly dissapointing people are in general. how can we intellectually be the alpha creature on the planet but yet still be the least trust...
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