Seeing as a lot of people on this lovely website have great movie taste, if you happen to stumble upon my humble corner of this expansive website could you perhaps lend a movie idea my way?

You see, it's Saturday.. and I'm lacking something to do.
Just seen your post, if you like Joy Division then I would watch Control, its very good. I have also seen The Grudge recently, which was a little bit confusing but scared the living pants off me at points! I havent been to the cinema in ages though so i have no idea what is new at the mo. You could always go for a classic like They Live or Escape from New York. smile
I'm a bit late, but here we go...

A Hard Day's Night
Bringing Up Baby
Das Experiment
El Orfanato
Ondskan (American Title: Evil)

...that's all I can think of at the moment. Kinda in the middle of a movie now. heh blush