Went to Jacob's Falls this morning instead of working. Had a pretty good time. Took a lot of pictures. This is my favorite.
Archy is taking me four-wheeling sometime this week. I
some people. A lot of people have been really supportive and nice to me these past few days. I appreciate it.
I want these tardknockers from my job to call me back so I can go home and run! I want to run so bad! There's this path right near my house. People, call me...grrrrr.

Archy is taking me four-wheeling sometime this week. I

I want these tardknockers from my job to call me back so I can go home and run! I want to run so bad! There's this path right near my house. People, call me...grrrrr.

Thank you, they need all the help/good karma they can get.
It's no problem, sweets. Come visit whenever, ok?