I am meeting with Rep. Steve Adamini tomorrow. Senator Mike Prusi on Monday. I am getting really riled up about this budget bullshit. The latest Senate proposal is pure crap. Less crap than the House's was, but Northern and Wayne State are still losing so big. It's fucked up.
Then I read today that Republicans are proposing closing an efficient prison in Newberry, Mich. Eliminating 325 Upper Peninsula jobs. What are the people in the U.P. paying for with their taxes? Their tax dollars are all going downstate to ass clowns who steal money from their higher education institutions and close their prisons. What's next? Shit, just BOMB the Upper Peninsula. As if they're not poor enough up here.
In happier news, today is the 2nd - which means 10 days until Brian is here.
Went for a run tonight. It was nice. I am planning a 22-mile Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore backpacking trip from July 8th - 10th. Some guy from Indiana is coming up with some of his friends to make sure Brian and I don't die. I am so excited. I can't wait to get my gear.
Back to work. Hope you're all well.
Then I read today that Republicans are proposing closing an efficient prison in Newberry, Mich. Eliminating 325 Upper Peninsula jobs. What are the people in the U.P. paying for with their taxes? Their tax dollars are all going downstate to ass clowns who steal money from their higher education institutions and close their prisons. What's next? Shit, just BOMB the Upper Peninsula. As if they're not poor enough up here.
In happier news, today is the 2nd - which means 10 days until Brian is here.
Went for a run tonight. It was nice. I am planning a 22-mile Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore backpacking trip from July 8th - 10th. Some guy from Indiana is coming up with some of his friends to make sure Brian and I don't die. I am so excited. I can't wait to get my gear.
Back to work. Hope you're all well.

i love California, glad i made it out here for grad school and stayed, although i do miss my east coast family. but Arnold is my governor, and indirectly my boss. i'll outlast him though! we've screwed the pooch too when it comes to educational funding, lower & higher, as California once had perhaps the world's premiere public university system before Prop 13.