I was walking back to the office from class today and there was a dog sitting on the back of a pick-up truck in the Student Services Center parking lot.
The poor thing was howling seeing as how it was -1 degrees today. So I ran inside and asked anyone waiting in line at Financial Aid if it was their dog. No go. Asked around in the various offices. The pick-up and the dog were ownerless.
I called public safety from a campus phone, told them the dog needed a fucking blanket and then went back outside to wait with the dog. Poor beautiful dog. She was so cute.
So I am standing there in my green fleece because I took my coat off and wrapped it around her when this cute guy comes up and is like, "IS THAT YOUR DOG!?!"
"No. I just called Public Safety and I am waiting for them to come." I paused because I didn't want this guy to be mad if it was his dog. "Is it your dog?"
"No. I checked the collar for a number and tried to call the owner but no one was around."
We talked a bit and bopped around the car waiting for public safety when we realized the front seat was open. So we took the dog and put her inside the car and wrapped her in a blanket that was on the floor. Good to go.
So I started to walk away and the guy was like, "I'm Brian, by the way." (go figure, fucking guys named Brian. jesus. every guy named brian i swear to god is a fucking wonderful guy with no motivation).
"I'm Katie. Nice to meet you."
He smiled, and I smiled, and then I just walked away. Even though I was immensely interested because how cool is a fucking hot guy who would be just as interested in a dog's welfare as you? And who would wait around and try to solve the problem with you? So many people walked by and ignored that poor creature. Sigh. People who mistreat pets suck. And not dating for a year sucks.
But I am glad the dog wound up being okay. Assholes. Who leaves their dog outside in the cold? I am going to write my column next week about stupid people and their animals.
The poor thing was howling seeing as how it was -1 degrees today. So I ran inside and asked anyone waiting in line at Financial Aid if it was their dog. No go. Asked around in the various offices. The pick-up and the dog were ownerless.
I called public safety from a campus phone, told them the dog needed a fucking blanket and then went back outside to wait with the dog. Poor beautiful dog. She was so cute.
So I am standing there in my green fleece because I took my coat off and wrapped it around her when this cute guy comes up and is like, "IS THAT YOUR DOG!?!"
"No. I just called Public Safety and I am waiting for them to come." I paused because I didn't want this guy to be mad if it was his dog. "Is it your dog?"
"No. I checked the collar for a number and tried to call the owner but no one was around."
We talked a bit and bopped around the car waiting for public safety when we realized the front seat was open. So we took the dog and put her inside the car and wrapped her in a blanket that was on the floor. Good to go.
So I started to walk away and the guy was like, "I'm Brian, by the way." (go figure, fucking guys named Brian. jesus. every guy named brian i swear to god is a fucking wonderful guy with no motivation).
"I'm Katie. Nice to meet you."
He smiled, and I smiled, and then I just walked away. Even though I was immensely interested because how cool is a fucking hot guy who would be just as interested in a dog's welfare as you? And who would wait around and try to solve the problem with you? So many people walked by and ignored that poor creature. Sigh. People who mistreat pets suck. And not dating for a year sucks.
But I am glad the dog wound up being okay. Assholes. Who leaves their dog outside in the cold? I am going to write my column next week about stupid people and their animals.
Glad you enjoyed Amy's set...we're looking for some private space to set up a makeshift/temp studio for my foray the world of adult photography. If you or any aspiring models are interested...drop me a line. Fuck school...I'm gonna be a pornographer!!!!