i went to see the smut peddlers last night at the doll hut in OC. HOT GUYS GALORE! hahahah
i was bombarded with unwanted flirting last night. i am super duper picky when it comes to men BUT i have the hardest time telling someone "im not interested" or what not. funny to think about huh? i am a bitch 100% of the time, but when some poor unsuspecting guy comes and hits on me... i cant tell him to fuck off. i dont know why. i dont lead people on, i just cant spit out the words "not my type". HELP!
some fuckin guy last night, was SO rude! hahah. after about 5 mins of conversation over a VERY loud band, he said:
"So what kind of guys do you like?"
i said: " honestly i usually like tall skinny men"
him: "well why am i talking to you then?"
(this guy was very very short, about my height, and has buff... like metrosexual and worked out everyday...)
WHAT? did he just ask me why is he wasting time on speaking to me??? oh hell no.
i said: "well. i dont know why you're talking to me." i threw my hands up as if they were saying 'i dont know' and then i blew a 'peace' sign at him and turned away from him.
hahah, sometimes i cant believe the things that come out of other peoples mouths. i thought i was blunt. hahah, i got put in my place.
anyway... i think the kind of guy i want to date is NONexistant. here's a run down of what i would like, but im probably never gonna meet this kinda guy.
-is NOT younger than me
-likes camping
-can actually build something with his bare hands (like a carpenter)
-likes cats
-is liberal
-tall but not necessarily skinny... just not morbidly obese ya know?
-no hardcore drug problems (i.e. speed, herion, etc)
-financially secure, not rich--just stable
-does not cheat on his girlfriend
-allows me to be me without strings attatched
-respects the fact that i am wild, and therefore do/say ridiculous things
-eats pussy
-gives rimjobs
-wont expect me to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen
never in a million years will i find this guy. he doesnt exist. maybe he exists right now and is currently age 50 but no offense... i need someone a little closer to my age... haha. men in my generation dont know how to do any of that shit. woodshop is not a requirement in schools anymore in california, no one fixes their own shit becos they'd rather pay someone else. all of my friends are from LA and they look at me like im fuckin psycho when i say i want to go camping.
valentines day is 3 days away. and im alone.
i have to say though, i'd rather be lonely and free on valentines day, unlike last couple years where i've been committed and MISERABLE... wanting to scratch my eyeballs out to keep my sanity.
im done bitching.
i was bombarded with unwanted flirting last night. i am super duper picky when it comes to men BUT i have the hardest time telling someone "im not interested" or what not. funny to think about huh? i am a bitch 100% of the time, but when some poor unsuspecting guy comes and hits on me... i cant tell him to fuck off. i dont know why. i dont lead people on, i just cant spit out the words "not my type". HELP!
some fuckin guy last night, was SO rude! hahah. after about 5 mins of conversation over a VERY loud band, he said:
"So what kind of guys do you like?"
i said: " honestly i usually like tall skinny men"
him: "well why am i talking to you then?"
(this guy was very very short, about my height, and has buff... like metrosexual and worked out everyday...)
WHAT? did he just ask me why is he wasting time on speaking to me??? oh hell no.
i said: "well. i dont know why you're talking to me." i threw my hands up as if they were saying 'i dont know' and then i blew a 'peace' sign at him and turned away from him.
hahah, sometimes i cant believe the things that come out of other peoples mouths. i thought i was blunt. hahah, i got put in my place.
anyway... i think the kind of guy i want to date is NONexistant. here's a run down of what i would like, but im probably never gonna meet this kinda guy.
-is NOT younger than me
-likes camping
-can actually build something with his bare hands (like a carpenter)
-likes cats
-is liberal
-tall but not necessarily skinny... just not morbidly obese ya know?
-no hardcore drug problems (i.e. speed, herion, etc)
-financially secure, not rich--just stable
-does not cheat on his girlfriend
-allows me to be me without strings attatched
-respects the fact that i am wild, and therefore do/say ridiculous things
-eats pussy
-gives rimjobs
-wont expect me to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen
never in a million years will i find this guy. he doesnt exist. maybe he exists right now and is currently age 50 but no offense... i need someone a little closer to my age... haha. men in my generation dont know how to do any of that shit. woodshop is not a requirement in schools anymore in california, no one fixes their own shit becos they'd rather pay someone else. all of my friends are from LA and they look at me like im fuckin psycho when i say i want to go camping.
valentines day is 3 days away. and im alone.
i have to say though, i'd rather be lonely and free on valentines day, unlike last couple years where i've been committed and MISERABLE... wanting to scratch my eyeballs out to keep my sanity.
im done bitching.
Well, good news for you. He can still learn how to build things. I mean, good lord, I'm just now teaching myself how to build furniture and whatnot, so if I can do it, so can this hot-b/f-to-be. Hang in there, cause he's out there. And looking for you too.

Hi, i like .... oh shit, i forgot the list.