I hate winter. I hate snow, I hate skiing, I hate snowboarding and chairlifts and people who go ice-fishing. I hate the wind, the wind the makes you feel naked no matter how many layers you have on. I hate Christmas, the fake cheer and the fucking Christmas carols. Oh, how I loathe the Christmas carols.
Every year this happens, and I every year I ask myself why I am here. I know that deep down it's cause of my sick father; I can't really leave anywhere and miss the last few years of his life. But on days like this, I'm really tempted to put my British passport to good use and move to the Cayman Islands.
Every year this happens, and I every year I ask myself why I am here. I know that deep down it's cause of my sick father; I can't really leave anywhere and miss the last few years of his life. But on days like this, I'm really tempted to put my British passport to good use and move to the Cayman Islands.

Thanks - and I hope that we'll get to see you there! It's been far too long.
And to you as well, good sir! All my best to you and yours.