I had a long talk with katesmash about the concept of twin flames. Someone so dear to you, someone you could swear you've known forever and maybe in a few lives before this one. Someone so fucking made of win. They could only be described as your twin flame.
The way I felt about him. .... i hope that wasnt it. I'm ready to feel that way again about someone, but ... maybe its better? I dont know..
It's been 7 years, i still have fits where i burst into tears because of how much i miss him.
I hope he wasn't it, because if so. I'm so fucked.
The way I felt about him. .... i hope that wasnt it. I'm ready to feel that way again about someone, but ... maybe its better? I dont know..
It's been 7 years, i still have fits where i burst into tears because of how much i miss him.
I hope he wasn't it, because if so. I'm so fucked.
Well, that doesn't mean you won't meet someone else who makes you feel as strongly. It most likely won't be the SAME, as people are different, but in all the people in all the world, there has to be at least ONE other person, right?