I have no clue what inspired me to write an Easter poem. It could have been the happy delerium of another coming of the CADBURY CREME EGG!!
Look up, Doom Cookie, Look up
Roll your basket past the candy aisle
and dispair...
Easter has arrived.
Marshmallow peeps
in rows, like troops;
they stare with soulless brown-dot eyes.
Herds of bunnies, plush and garish-
ribbon bows abound.
Outdoors, in dew damp grass
snakey egg shapes lay low
beneath the traveling taffeta shadows
of new pastel dresses.
A tiny plastic tear
equals tiny sticky fingers
turned green
and faces smudged with caramel
like war paint
(to be later wiped on mommy's skirt).
Childish laughter shrieks and echoes
in hollow chocolate rabbit ears
that wait to be devoured.
In the eveningtime, curious tumble-weeds appear.
Cellophane snarls of plastic grass
roll tangled
into the gutters.

Look up, Doom Cookie, Look up
Roll your basket past the candy aisle
and dispair...
Easter has arrived.
Marshmallow peeps
in rows, like troops;
they stare with soulless brown-dot eyes.
Herds of bunnies, plush and garish-
ribbon bows abound.
Outdoors, in dew damp grass
snakey egg shapes lay low
beneath the traveling taffeta shadows
of new pastel dresses.
A tiny plastic tear
equals tiny sticky fingers
turned green
and faces smudged with caramel
like war paint
(to be later wiped on mommy's skirt).
Childish laughter shrieks and echoes
in hollow chocolate rabbit ears
that wait to be devoured.
In the eveningtime, curious tumble-weeds appear.
Cellophane snarls of plastic grass
roll tangled
into the gutters.

Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good one tonite!!!

happy birthday