The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

If you're into instrumental tunes, especially guitar-heavy ones that focus on creative use of effects, then this might very well be the next album in your 'to download' list.

A friend of mine showed it to me earlier this evening, and I love the dynamic texturing. Sections with sugar-sweet clean tones, and others with a well-balanced overdrive....
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That's a brilliant name for a song.
@Lillithvain I had to wonder what exactly was meant by it. I still don't fully understand the title, but I like it! I mean, title and song. What did you think of the album?

Hello all. I've been somewhat wrapped up in my own affairs over the last few weeks. This comprises mainly the work I've started as a PhD student in Inselspital.

Not too much to report, other than how I'm relearning the techniques which will be accompanying me through the next three years. This is going to be Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence, and other such interesting methods.

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In the immortal words of Professor Farnsworth, "Good news, everyone!"

I'm entering the world of meaningful employment. For those of you who are curious, I will be a Ph.D Student in the Experimental Oncology department of the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland.

My project will, in a beginning phase at least, involve a lot of genomic work on malignant lymphomas. The aspect I find particularly
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For those of you who are interested in Progressive Heavy Metal, this is a very listenable album. All instrumental, which for me is perfect, because sometimes I have the feeling that vocals get in the way of the music. I am finding myself falling in love with Russian Circles, and I think you'll enjoy their music too if you enjoy anything remotely electronic featuring...
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Well, this is another really short blog for me, mostly because I can't really say anything about the subject that this article doesn't already cover. Very well written. That said, also very long.