Last night I went to see Bad Religion. Oruc_Reis met up with me right before the show and we wandered in early, where I was happy as hell to see fuck and his girlfriend, who I was pretty sure I met before and who quickly confirmed that I had. There were some old faces from around here too, lets leave em nameless for now, but it was definitely good times.
The first band that played were called Gallows. It was Brittish punk sounding, and I looked at the stage and could hear vocals and see no one singing. I started joking around about it and someone told me the singer was in the pit so I went to go see. Sure enough, he was. I started circling against everyone else, slamming and having a good time, then demanded they play some misfits. The singer was cool as shit and asked if Black Flag would do... Hell yeah you Brittish Fuck or something to that effect was the reply. Nervous Breakdown is a great song. I enjoyed singing it. And circling to it. That was one cool fucking band.
I drank steadily through the next band and dont remember much except I kept hoping they would play Eye of the Tiger and they didnt. I cant say they would have been better if they did, but it would have made me a happy motherfucker.
Bad Religion were great. One of those bands everyone should see at some point and that are always worth seeing again. I slammed about some for a few songs and danced about like a drunken master for the duration, thoroughly enjoying the music and the jack daniels. The show eventually came to an end, I eventually stumbled out into the street, and we eventually went and got food (Katie and I anyway.)
Still drunk even after food, I decided it was best to crash locally at my brother's house. I went and hung out with him and his gf along with their baby, and their pet bunny. It was fun, we talked about zombies and music and all sorts of nonsense, and I crashed late into the night only to wake up this morning at 8:45 and stagger into work for a conference call and some district bullshit. Now I have finally made it home, feel great, and am going to breakfast.
Have a great day people.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Agent.
The first band that played were called Gallows. It was Brittish punk sounding, and I looked at the stage and could hear vocals and see no one singing. I started joking around about it and someone told me the singer was in the pit so I went to go see. Sure enough, he was. I started circling against everyone else, slamming and having a good time, then demanded they play some misfits. The singer was cool as shit and asked if Black Flag would do... Hell yeah you Brittish Fuck or something to that effect was the reply. Nervous Breakdown is a great song. I enjoyed singing it. And circling to it. That was one cool fucking band.
I drank steadily through the next band and dont remember much except I kept hoping they would play Eye of the Tiger and they didnt. I cant say they would have been better if they did, but it would have made me a happy motherfucker.
Bad Religion were great. One of those bands everyone should see at some point and that are always worth seeing again. I slammed about some for a few songs and danced about like a drunken master for the duration, thoroughly enjoying the music and the jack daniels. The show eventually came to an end, I eventually stumbled out into the street, and we eventually went and got food (Katie and I anyway.)
Still drunk even after food, I decided it was best to crash locally at my brother's house. I went and hung out with him and his gf along with their baby, and their pet bunny. It was fun, we talked about zombies and music and all sorts of nonsense, and I crashed late into the night only to wake up this morning at 8:45 and stagger into work for a conference call and some district bullshit. Now I have finally made it home, feel great, and am going to breakfast.
Have a great day people.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Agent.

hows it going?
going to the Hollywood Horror Fest with our film Cold Hard Cash...very pumped!