I really want to get into shooting some sets. I need to meet some people in the city that are into this scene.
UGH, finals week is getting me down.
and why should i do that??
Other than because it's a rad city? If your looking to get a great set shot, come see me we'll make something beautiful.
I totally just got mugged. I was walking down the street near my house, and this guy steps up out of no where, and punches me in the face. He didn't knock me down or take anything, he just hit me and walked away. It was really fucked up. I'm not sure what the whole thing was all about, I had never seen that guy...
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Oh no! I hope you're okay.
I'm going to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade today. Yay!!
Wow you have Mermaid Parades?
Hell yeah, we got all that sweet shit. This is America.
I just got back from orientation for my MFA program and I am so excited. I really feel like I'm where I'm suppose to be. I don't think I've ever felt as good about any thing in my life as I feel about this. It just seems right. I feel that I am really about to grow as an artist in ways that I don't...
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Good luck!

So I've been living in Brooklyn now for just over a week, and I think its going really well. I really love living here. I start school tomorrow at Parsons, and am really excited to meet the other people in my program and get started. I have some great new ideas for photos, and feel really inspired by the city in general. I would still...
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Best of luck finding someone to shoot
I found out on wednesday that I've been accepted into the MFA photo program at Parsons in NYC. I will be moving in about two months. This is both extremely exciting and teriffieing at the same time.
I just got back from a lecture by Matthew Barney, who is probably my favorite artist of all time, and my head is all buzzing with big ideas. I've been trying to right this grad school application artist statement, and this was just so cool. I realized when I was listening to him talk that there is a sculptural element to my photography, because of...
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I fell that way when I listen to Neil Gaiman speak on writing.

I put a bunch of new pics up. I'm applying to get into grad school in New York in a couple of weeks and I'm having a really hard time writing my artist statement. I'm very proud of my art but it is difficult to have to explain myself to a bunch of faceless academics.
Hmmm that I dont know. I didnt think of that. They are just photoshop brushes that you can download. But thank you for the comment 

Good post.
your friendly neighborhood asshole-