So here is the deal today. So I have spent the last three Monday night with this girl I really like. The first Monday I spent the night with her I didnt touch her at all we stayed up late talking and laughing. The next Monday I spent the night we cuddled and kissed..NOT Made out. They were innocent kisses (i.e. cheek, forehead, neck, my chest and maybe a peck on the lips). So after that night I called her and the subject of us came up and she said " I dont want to be involved with anyone right now" I said "thats cool niether do I" (which is or was true) I also said " but I really enjoy your company and want to be friends and keep doing what were doing. It is what it is". So the third Monday (last Monday) I spent the night and it was more of the same cuddles and friendly but not so innocent kisses but dont get me wrong this was definitly not makeing out no tongue hardly any kisses on the lips. I am tottaly confused! What the hell I really like this girl. Heres the other thing, we dont even really speak the rest of the week its like only on Mondays. I see her Thursday night also at a mutual gathering but we dont hang out or even really talk. I dont know what to do. This girl is beautiful and has many other options when it comes to guys. So should I tell her how I feel? By the way I would have to think of something to say because dont really know how I feel about her. I am having trouble telling the difference between lust and true feelings. I distrust myself and I dont want to fuck this up. I would rather be her friend than have a failed romance and be uncomfortable around her. What should I do? Give Advice. Oh thanks for reading this too I know its long.

Good luck,