That's enough now.
I'm not really into the whole SG drama thing, but when a friend of mine is being slandered by nerdy nitwits who have nothing better to do than judge other people whom they don't know, it's time for me to at least set the record straight on a few points.
Tuesday is a real person.
She is a real girl.
I've known her for about 2 years (I'm guessing).
I've spoken to her on the phone many times.
I have spoken to her roommates.
I have sent her packages (which she has received).
I do not know for a fact that anything she tells me is true.
I do not know for a fact that anything YOU tell me is true.
Tuesday has NEVER asked me for money.
When her home was being foreclosed on recently I begged her for a week to ask her friends on SG for donations.
She didn't want to do it.
Eventually she did mention it in a post that mainly spoke about other things.
I gave her money.
Did she make the whole thing up?
I doubt it.
Do I know for SURE she didn't make the whole thing up?
Do I know FOR SURE much about ANYTHING in life?
Was she really pregnant?
I think so.
Do I KNOW so?
Do I find it quite odd that she posted a picture of her "twins" that was taken from someplace else?
Does it call into doubt much of her story?
But, again, I've written, spoken, im'd, etc, with Tuesday for years.
She is a real person.
Now please allow me the indulgence of a bit of psuedo-psychoanalysis:
Tuesday had a very fucked up childhood.
It is VERY important to her to feel loved, adored, worshipped, whatever...
Pathologically so.
She has extreme intimacy issues.
She needs people to adore her unconditionally, and she will put them through all kinds of "tests" to prove that they really love her.
The problem is, that once they've proved themselves she moves on and leaves them in the dust.
She doesn't trust those who care most about her.
It's a paradox that will never allow her to settle down and accept what she wants to have so badly.
Am I romanticising her?
Am I spelling romanticising wrong?
I think so.
But we're all romantics.
If you're here and you were friends with Tuesday you are a romantic.
There is something that happens a lot on SG.
Those of you who are of the female persuasion know what I'm about to speak of.
Guys are idiots.
They get crushes on girls on the internet and then feel they have some emotional "rights".
These guys get very territorial and jealous.
Every woman on this site (some more than others) has been annoyed by these dicks.
Let give you an example of one:
He has recently "exposed" Tuesday as a fraud, scam artist, whatevs...
He has no evidence, just a lot of things she's written over the years that don't add up.
Has Tuesday always told the truth?
I doubt it.
Is she a scam artist?
I really doubt it.
Has she created an internet persona that isn't quite real?
I believe so.
But we all do that to some extent, and if you're smart enough, you'll realize that Tuesday was portraying herself in a very controlled manner.
The 'truth" was not there in all its ugly glory.
Tuesday wants to be perfect.
She thinks that's the only way anyone will like her.
So, rather than risk not having us all fall instantly under her spell, she presented a side of herself which was relatively seamlessly perfect.
Of course she wasn't showing us everything and probably enhancing what she DID tell us.
Maybe even making some things up.
I don't know.
But back to our rightuous little Munke.
Munke, you're SO perceptive!
What a public service you've performed!
How brave you are!
You are rightfully proud of yourself!
Let's see exactly how you tore the facade right off that evil scheming Tuesday shall we?
Mr. Munke points out several facts to back up his revelation:
1) Striken with ovarian cancer and almost dies, yet 10 months later gives birth to twins
Actually it was ocular cancer, but why quibble?
And it's spelled "stricken" - but why quibble?
2) Gives birth to twins in like one hour flat. Leaves home at 10am and returns at 5pm with two twins in arms.
Well, again, who's stretching the truth here?
Her time at the hospital was more than an hour and she spent most of her labor at home (Anaxarete labored with Wave for less than an hour, btw).
ALSO she did NOT leave the hospital with the twins.
SHE left the hospital but they stayed for a few days.
Ok, so maybe the truth isn't so easy to write for Mr. Munkey either.
Let's move on.
3) Almost has her house foreclosed numerous times, yet still somehow manages to magically buy a newer, nicer house. Finds it one day, gets the keys that night?
Munke, Munke, Munke....
She did not buy a new house.
She rented one with the help of a roommate (to whom I spoke about a month ago).
She did not find it and get the keys in one day.
She lived in her car (yes I do believe that) for a few weeks before saving the money to put the first/last/deposit down.
And who exactly says it was nicer?
She didn't tell me that.
So, 0-3 so far Mr. Munke.
4) Says she's having a bridal shower at Disneyland with 30 of her friends. On her. No cost. Yet has to reschedule the trip, and then when her bags are packed and she's ready to head out, needs $600 bones because somebody emptied her bank account
Well, it never got to the point of her bags being packed, but it sure does sound better that way Munkey!
Her grandfather was going to pay for all of this.
Whether the trip was really something that was gonna happen I don't know.
I DO know that she is constantly fantasizing about things and is convinced they're gonna happen and they never do.
She always has HUGE plans that anyone with an ounce of common sense knows are just dreams that she's having.
Bank account emptied?
I don't remember that one, but it's possible she used that as an excuse.
The fact is she falls in love, is gonna get married, is gonna travel the world, and then it all falls through.
Every month it seems.
I might call it foolishness, or fantasy or whatever, but I wouldn't call it lying.
5) Now, magically needs to move to Philadelphia.
Does she?
So what?
Tuesday is a desperate person - desperate for love, friends who will never leave her, family she can count on, desperate for a savior that she's never gonna get.
That's where guys like Munke come in.
They think that by the very fact of her desperation she'll be grateful for and willing to do anything for attention from even insecure emotional predators like him.
And when the aforementioned losers don't receive her everlasting undying gratitude and love they get very nasty.
It's like the frat guy when a girl won't date him - he calls her a whore.
As for her photos - she is VERY controlling of any image she puts out on the internet.
She would NEVER post an unflattering photo of herself.
She is probably the ultimate self-image controller, but even the rest of us do the same thing to a lesser degree.
Do you see many photos of ME on my page?
someone mentioned to me that another SG member dropped by to suprise her a few years ago and it wasn't even anyone who resembled the girl who'se pics are posted
First of all it's spelled "whose".
Second of all who cares if someone we don't even know thinks she doesn't resemble her posted pics?
What does that prove?
Tuesday has sent me candid photos of herself and her friends over the years at appropriate times, and of course she doesn't look as perfect as what she tries to have us think.
But again, so what?
Some people are insecure.
She doesn't feel good about her appearance so she will allow us to see only photoshopped pics in full-on make up.
How much money did she scam us all out of?
My estimation would be a few hundred dollars.
Thank you for unmasking this monster Munke!!!!!
What a jackass.
I'm shocked at how many people gleefully jumped on this and swallowed it whole.
Tuesday is still Tuesday no matter what some 4th rate SG member says.
She's real, but also part fantasy, part beautiful lie, part desperately lonely ghost.
Sure I'm romantic, but I have a choice.
I can choose to believe in my friend Tuesday.
I can choose to overlook inconsistencies in her stories.
I can be her friend even if she lied to me.
It doesn't mean that she did, it just means that I don't care if she did.
There is not one shred of evidence that she is an imposter, or a cheat.
All there is is some doubt.
And some folks who don't even know her love the fact that someone got caught doing something bad that they don't even understand.
Ah well.
Such are the sheep that inhabit this planet.
I may be completely wrong and have been brainwashed into sticking up for someone I shouldn't,
But if I am -
Get a life peeps.
You seem cool too. Maybe we can be bff and stuff.....