This was in response to an intelligent friend's anger at the U.S.' warmongering ways.
It was SO fucking brilliant I thought I'd use it in my journal.
You can skip this part, Saeta!
Americans are self-satisfied overfed ignorant pigs blindly consuming everything in sight, including their own Earth, without which they will die.
They would rather not think about the consequences of tomorrow (such as self-extermination) so long as they get to stuff themselves today.
Is this an solely an american phenomenon, or is it human nature?
Why are people so STUPID?
How did we "evolve" into THIS?
And why do some of us understand how selfishly insane this all is, while so many others don't?
I'm obsessed with these questions.
What you bring up is merely a PART of our embarrassing species' (americans in particular) behavior.
I don't think it's so much warmongering (although many folks really dig that aspect and get some perverse satisfaction out of killing hundreds of thousands of human beings who don't seem to be like us) as just wanting to blindly shove everything on this planet in our mouths just so we can shit it out.
What do you all think?
Bah! You won't say anything!
I thought Dewees' set was really cute and sexy!

So we've been watching the Sarah Silverman Show on Comedy Central.
It's pretty damn funny.
It's not perfect but it ain't bad.
Which brings me to my next bit:
Have you seen the movie The Aristocrats?
It's a documentary about a famous joke.
It's basically a bunch of comedians telling and talking about this one joke.
Here is Sarah Silverman (swoon)'s bit:
There are also great clips of Gilbert Godfried and Bob Sagett telling the joke as well which I may post.
1) What is Jane Fonda's best film?
2) What's your favorite cracker (and don't name any white people - too obvious!)?
3) How THE FUCK did Jimmy Kimmel get Sarah Silverman???????
4) Do you fart freely (certain uptight social situations excepted)?
5) What tastes better - pussy or penis, assuming they're both relatively clean?
This was in response to an intelligent friend's anger at the U.S.' warmongering ways.
It was SO fucking brilliant I thought I'd use it in my journal.
You can skip this part, Saeta!
Americans are self-satisfied overfed ignorant pigs blindly consuming everything in sight, including their own Earth, without which they will die.
They would rather not think about the consequences of tomorrow (such as self-extermination) so long as they get to stuff themselves today.
Is this an solely an american phenomenon, or is it human nature?
Why are people so STUPID?
How did we "evolve" into THIS?
And why do some of us understand how selfishly insane this all is, while so many others don't?
I'm obsessed with these questions.
What you bring up is merely a PART of our embarrassing species' (americans in particular) behavior.
I don't think it's so much warmongering (although many folks really dig that aspect and get some perverse satisfaction out of killing hundreds of thousands of human beings who don't seem to be like us) as just wanting to blindly shove everything on this planet in our mouths just so we can shit it out.
What do you all think?
Bah! You won't say anything!
I thought Dewees' set was really cute and sexy!

So we've been watching the Sarah Silverman Show on Comedy Central.
It's pretty damn funny.
It's not perfect but it ain't bad.
Which brings me to my next bit:
Have you seen the movie The Aristocrats?
It's a documentary about a famous joke.
It's basically a bunch of comedians telling and talking about this one joke.
Here is Sarah Silverman (swoon)'s bit:
There are also great clips of Gilbert Godfried and Bob Sagett telling the joke as well which I may post.
1) What is Jane Fonda's best film?
2) What's your favorite cracker (and don't name any white people - too obvious!)?
3) How THE FUCK did Jimmy Kimmel get Sarah Silverman???????
4) Do you fart freely (certain uptight social situations excepted)?
5) What tastes better - pussy or penis, assuming they're both relatively clean?
Evolve??? Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?
okay, well thank you