No one seemed very interested in the funny poem.
So, as punishment, you have to read another!
Remember, it's "what if poets wrote poems whose titles were anagrams of their names"
Skinny Domicile
By Emily Dickinson
I have a skinny Domicile-
Its Door is very narrow.
'Twill keep- I hope- the Reaper out-
His scythe- and Bones- and Marrow
Since Death is not a portly Chap,
The Entrance must be thin-
So- when my Final Moment comes-
He cannot wriggle in.
That's why I don't go out that much-
I can't fit through that Portal.
How dumb- to waste my Social Life
On Plans to be - immortal-
Come ON!!!
It's FUNNY you fucking phillistines!!!
I don't even LIKE poetry and I think it's funny!
I just burnt my tongue tasting the stew I'm cooking.
So they've kicked Aspasia and even LithiumPicnic!!!!
They're turning on themselves now.
It's like the French Revolution.
Or Survivor.
Fucking idiots.
My reading list for the coming months:
250 pages left to go in my Jefferson book!
Ah, hell, let's just skip to the tres jolie of the moment.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you -
Shazzy is a GREAT photographer, but she got a little infatuated with her wide-angle lense on that one.
Too bad.
No equivocating.
No "other" choices.
No "I'll come back to that".
I am not bound by my rules.
1) What's your favorite vegetable?
2) What's your least favorite?
3) Who's the second-greatest drummer of all time?
4) Cary Grant or Gregory Peck? (and which movie?)
5) In which room of the house did you lose your virginity, assuming you've lost it?
And I've decided I'm not. I'm not happy. And I can't stay because it's not fair to the both of us. I'm in a crazy transition right now. Thank you for your support.
Broccoli and's a tie
I've never been crazy about Corn, but I'll eat it
I dont know any drummers by name
I dont know who either of those guys are, nor what movies they're in
I lost it in my first love's moms' bedroom...on her bed...with red sheets...and I remember saying "This sucks, I don't get what adults like about this shit." very distinctly.