*Looks around*
I'm still here!
Well ok, then.
Do you have any idea how great Horrorbabbles is?
It blows my mind sometimes.
She won't tell you about it.
You have to figure it out, bit by bit, so it's like these surprises keep popping up.
She's an extremely talented artist.
You're like, "yeah, so she's a great painter, or drawer or whatever, that's cool"...
But NO!
She a great at EVERYTHING visually artistic.
You want proof?
Here's a sample of what she does for a living:

Look at the shading in the hat!
Ok, what else?
How about this:

Or this:

She's funny too:


There are way too many to choose from!
It was almost impossible to pick just a few!
She is also a great songwriter.
And at least as good a guitar player as I (backhanded compliment!).
And a drummer.
Bass player.
I'd post an example of her music, but I know she'd kill me.
She'll probably be pissed that I posted any of this at all.
She's left - handed!
She's an AMAZING writer.
Oh, and she's beautiful.
Again, I had way too many great pics to choose from:

I know I'm forgetting stuff.
But I've probably said too much already (I could go on and on, you know).
She does have one flaw, however.
She does not like Star Trek, the original series.
So, we're going to Vermont tomorrow, for 10 days or so.

We only have dial -up up there.

No one's mean to me anymore, now that they kicked Aijin out due to their petty jealousy.
Well, I guess there's still Stella_Marie and LaceyGlove...
Oh, and Brandi77.
And SurlyMike of course.
And Brixton.
I still miss her and think it was cowardly of the powers that be to forcibly archive her.
1) Who is your favorite all-time rock singer?
2) Is your front door locked?
3) Jack Black or Jude Law?
4) What's under your desk right now?
5) What sex scene in a movie would you most like to live out?
*Looks around*
I'm still here!
Well ok, then.
Do you have any idea how great Horrorbabbles is?
It blows my mind sometimes.
She won't tell you about it.
You have to figure it out, bit by bit, so it's like these surprises keep popping up.
She's an extremely talented artist.
You're like, "yeah, so she's a great painter, or drawer or whatever, that's cool"...
But NO!
She a great at EVERYTHING visually artistic.
You want proof?
Here's a sample of what she does for a living:

Look at the shading in the hat!

Ok, what else?
How about this:

Or this:

She's funny too:


There are way too many to choose from!
It was almost impossible to pick just a few!
She is also a great songwriter.
And at least as good a guitar player as I (backhanded compliment!).
And a drummer.
Bass player.
I'd post an example of her music, but I know she'd kill me.
She'll probably be pissed that I posted any of this at all.
She's left - handed!
She's an AMAZING writer.
Oh, and she's beautiful.
Again, I had way too many great pics to choose from:

I know I'm forgetting stuff.
But I've probably said too much already (I could go on and on, you know).
She does have one flaw, however.
She does not like Star Trek, the original series.

So, we're going to Vermont tomorrow, for 10 days or so.

We only have dial -up up there.

No one's mean to me anymore, now that they kicked Aijin out due to their petty jealousy.
Well, I guess there's still Stella_Marie and LaceyGlove...
Oh, and Brandi77.
And SurlyMike of course.
And Brixton.
I still miss her and think it was cowardly of the powers that be to forcibly archive her.
1) Who is your favorite all-time rock singer?
2) Is your front door locked?
3) Jack Black or Jude Law?
4) What's under your desk right now?
5) What sex scene in a movie would you most like to live out?
I feel honored to be featured by you sir Afterbirth.
Ummm...I don't think I have ONE favorite...but I DO LOVE Howard Jones, Maynard, and the guy that fronts Slipknot...I'm not keen on their music, but I like his voice.
I'm a New Yorker...what do you think?
Ummm...for what? I'll take JUDE for sex...but JACK for chilling and having a fun time
I dont have a desk
Fuck if I know...I'm not all that picky when it comes to how I'm fucked. But if the actor is what matters...than any sex scene with Keanu Reeves or Angelina Jolie will do.