Tomorrow we vote.
You're voting.
That's right.
ESPECIALLY those of you in Virginia, Missouri, and, and....
I forget the other one.
But those are crucial close races.
I don't care who you vote for (I lie), just VOTE!
In NY it's pretty much decided.
The races aren't really close.
But I'm voting anyway.
And I'm NOT voting Democratic.
Or Republican.
The two party system does not work.
The PARTY system does not work.
It breeds lobbying and greed and corruption.
It keeps things that need to be done from getting done.
Only that which lines already overstuffed wallets is achieved.
So, I say, if the outcome of your state, district, or whatever is not in doubt, vote for some obscure person.
I'm not voting communist or Green, or even Libertarian (they seem nutty).
But I'm gonna find someone way down at the bottom.
This is not throwing away my vote.
No vote you ever make is thrown away or wasted.
They count them.
Numbers matter.
It is a protest.
I know I won't make much difference tomorrow, but I'll sleep well knowing I did my small bit to begin the change this country (and the world) needs if the few aren't going to keep dictating how we live.
You may not see it or feel it, but our lives are not our own.
We are manipulated and exploited and kept just happy enough to not notice or question what's going on around us.
So fuck the fuckers I say!
If your vote can hurt Bush, use it on a Democrat, but otherwise,
In the meantime, I'm sorry, but this girl really pushes my buttons!
No, I'm not sorry! Fuck you!
That's 2 lies today!
Let's all stare at Columbia:

I'm sorry, but I could stare at her all day.
Why do I feel the need to keep apologizing????

Thanks to all of you who were nice to me yesterday.
It's funny how it actually helps.....
JUST WONDERIN (in case we ever get married):
1) What's your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's these days?
2) Do you prefer to sleep with the window open?
3) What would you like for Xmas?
4) Can I hold the remote?
5) Have you ever peed during coitus?
Tomorrow we vote.
You're voting.
That's right.
ESPECIALLY those of you in Virginia, Missouri, and, and....
I forget the other one.
But those are crucial close races.
I don't care who you vote for (I lie), just VOTE!
In NY it's pretty much decided.
The races aren't really close.
But I'm voting anyway.
And I'm NOT voting Democratic.
Or Republican.
The two party system does not work.
The PARTY system does not work.
It breeds lobbying and greed and corruption.
It keeps things that need to be done from getting done.
Only that which lines already overstuffed wallets is achieved.
So, I say, if the outcome of your state, district, or whatever is not in doubt, vote for some obscure person.
I'm not voting communist or Green, or even Libertarian (they seem nutty).
But I'm gonna find someone way down at the bottom.
This is not throwing away my vote.
No vote you ever make is thrown away or wasted.
They count them.
Numbers matter.
It is a protest.
I know I won't make much difference tomorrow, but I'll sleep well knowing I did my small bit to begin the change this country (and the world) needs if the few aren't going to keep dictating how we live.
You may not see it or feel it, but our lives are not our own.
We are manipulated and exploited and kept just happy enough to not notice or question what's going on around us.
So fuck the fuckers I say!
If your vote can hurt Bush, use it on a Democrat, but otherwise,
In the meantime, I'm sorry, but this girl really pushes my buttons!
No, I'm not sorry! Fuck you!
That's 2 lies today!
Let's all stare at Columbia:

I'm sorry, but I could stare at her all day.
Why do I feel the need to keep apologizing????

Thanks to all of you who were nice to me yesterday.
It's funny how it actually helps.....
JUST WONDERIN (in case we ever get married):
1) What's your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's these days?
2) Do you prefer to sleep with the window open?
3) What would you like for Xmas?
4) Can I hold the remote?
5) Have you ever peed during coitus?
Are you pleased that Mister Spitzer is your new guvnah? He's surely preferable to that Pataki putz!