I hate this city.
Everything changes.
This city has changed.
I have changed.
We've grown in different directions.
It's time to call it a couple of decades and go our seperate ways....
I'm sick of all the filming of movies, tv, and commercials.
Especially on our block.
Who cares?
Are we supposed to be excited and feel priviliged that they do this shit here?
They seem to think so.
Nevertheless, I know you all are probably interested, so in deference to such swell pals I will choke back the bile and report on the making of the film.
Apparently (according to our deli owner), it's a Hillary Swank movie.
So, this a BIG production, and the male lead must be a BIG star, cause he had a BIG trailer all to himself:

The main place they were filming was inside a bar around the corner called The Boiler Room.
There is another bar, across the street from us called 2 by 4 (which Stella_Marie knows well).
They put up a sign and decorated the outside of 2 by 4 to look like The Boiler Room for exterior shots:

They shot for a few days.
Last night they did the exteriors.
They set up big lights on a crane on our side of the street near our window:

Then they hosed down the street, brought in an ambulance with lights flashing, put all the extras in their places, and shot the scene (the parked cars were all trucked in by the movie people):

Then it was all over.
They're gone today.
I'm in a bad mood.
It's probably this city.
And some other things.
It'll pass.
But bah.
One thing that always makes me feel a little better is pretty girls.
This is my Russian friend FeelEasy:

There's supposed to be a big storm here tonight!!!!!
1) Who was the best US president ever?
2) What was the name of the first boy or girl you kissed (that you can remember)?
3) What's your favorite pornsite besides SG?
4) Does porn actually turn you on?
5) What kind?
Everything changes.
This city has changed.
I have changed.
We've grown in different directions.
It's time to call it a couple of decades and go our seperate ways....
I'm sick of all the filming of movies, tv, and commercials.
Especially on our block.
Who cares?
Are we supposed to be excited and feel priviliged that they do this shit here?
They seem to think so.
Nevertheless, I know you all are probably interested, so in deference to such swell pals I will choke back the bile and report on the making of the film.
Apparently (according to our deli owner), it's a Hillary Swank movie.
So, this a BIG production, and the male lead must be a BIG star, cause he had a BIG trailer all to himself:

The main place they were filming was inside a bar around the corner called The Boiler Room.
There is another bar, across the street from us called 2 by 4 (which Stella_Marie knows well).
They put up a sign and decorated the outside of 2 by 4 to look like The Boiler Room for exterior shots:

They shot for a few days.
Last night they did the exteriors.
They set up big lights on a crane on our side of the street near our window:

Then they hosed down the street, brought in an ambulance with lights flashing, put all the extras in their places, and shot the scene (the parked cars were all trucked in by the movie people):

Then it was all over.
They're gone today.

I'm in a bad mood.
It's probably this city.
And some other things.
It'll pass.
But bah.
One thing that always makes me feel a little better is pretty girls.
This is my Russian friend FeelEasy:

There's supposed to be a big storm here tonight!!!!!

1) Who was the best US president ever?
2) What was the name of the first boy or girl you kissed (that you can remember)?
3) What's your favorite pornsite besides SG?
4) Does porn actually turn you on?
5) What kind?
1) Who was the best US president ever? I'll go with FDR.
2) What was the name of the first boy or girl you kissed (that you can remember)?
A boy named Ryan. We were 12 at summer camp. Then he dumped me because, duh, summer was over. I didn't understand how you stop liking someone just because the weather gets colder, but he sure gave me a lesson in dating.
3) What's your favorite pornsite besides SG?
4) Does porn actually turn you on?
Once in a while.
5) What kind?
The kind with titties in it!
PS - If you're interested in public mental health issues ... where to fucking start. There aren't enough free and/or low-cost clinics. Severely mentally ill people often end up in jail as a result of delusions or disordered thinking or manic states, etc. etc. There is absolutely NO mental health treatment in prison beyond the isolation and heavy sedation of only the most psychotic. Even if they're put in a psychiatric facility, they're only kept there until they're "not a danger to themselves or others", which is usually achieved by heavy sedation or a one-size-fits-all antipsychotic, which upon release they promptly stop taking or can't take because they don't have access to someone who will prescribe them something. My homeless schizophrenic clients have no access to care, or continuity of care, and even less access to homeless resources because they're unpredictable and most facilities don't have the capacity to handle them. So they end up victimized or in a cycle of street-to-jail.