Man, I'm still hurting from playing basketball Sunday.
I am NOT getting old!
Punk rock.
Does a mohawk make you punk rock?
How about if you add a leather jacket?
With studs?
Or Doc Martens?
Even 14 holes?
Do tatoos make you more punk rock?
Or piercings?
I say no to all of the above.
So why bother with all that crap?
I used to.
But then I realized anybody could dress like that.
It didn't matter what you wore.
Only what you did and thought.
After that I slowly shed all the punk rock acutrements over several years.
Guess what?
I was even MORE punk rock after that!
I was free.
Not punk rock:

She says she is, but she's not.
That proves you're not punk rock just because you say you are.
I wrote a song called "Oh, Avril" a couple of years ago.
It wasn't very good, so it never saw the light of day.
I forgot to say yesterday that I love the directorial work of Robert Altman, Akira Kurosawa, the Coen brothers, Ridley Scott, Terry Gilliam, and John Ford as well, so you may add 6 more directors if you wish.
Is anyone more dramatically beautiful than Ana?
Aaaaaannnnnnnd we're going to Vermont tomorrow!
It's been since August.
I hope the house is still there.
My mom is flying in from Iowa to visit.
We'll have to see how THAT goes!
We'll be back on next Tuesday.
Pics from last October:
1) Ummmmm... Do you have a bicycle? What kind/color?
2) What board games should we get for Vermont?
3) Do you like big tits?
4) What color socks do you most often wear?
5) Would you ever consider visiting us in Vermont?
i hope you have/ had a good time on your trip!!
god, you know i would so visit you in VT. especially when i live there myself. i would ride my blue retro-cruiser style bicycle through the crunchy leaves, down the dirt road into town, and meet you guys at the local coffeeshop where i'd get the best chai known to mankind, take part in a brief impromptu poetry slam, save a kitten or two, meet some cute single ladies to bring home to my hubby, and darn my mittens. how's that for a perfect day?
so that answers questions #1 & #5. as far as board games go - tim's a big fan of "Zombies" but not so much me. i like the ones that make you think, draw stupid things, make stupid faces... you know, the kind that's good for a group of close drunk friends. i do not like big breasts. my favorite pair of socks is blue with fishes, but i also have some knee-high sweater socks in brown and cream which are oh so cozy. mmm, maybe i should go put those on since the landlord forgot the heat again...