A letter Young Afterbirth wrote the same night as the journal entry from yesterday.
A letter written to his old girlfriend from high school (who's sister was Brix E. Smith from The Fall).
The following is edited for brevity.
Thursday, April 24, 1985, 3:43am
Dear Leah,
... I just dyed my hair black. It was green earlier today and before that it was blonde.
I also got it cut so it's not a mohawk no mo. It's just like real shote cept in front where it still be long.
Well it's kinda late and i gotta get up early and watch All My Children tomorrow.
There's this really cute girl Madelon who I'm practically in love with, who I think likes me, who might come over and watch it with me.
She's the one who dyed my hair green.
Actually it was blue color, but blue + blonde = green.
Actually it's a bit confusing. The letter continues the next day, but the following YA journal appears to have been written before the above letter, despite the date...
Wednesday, April 24, 1985, 2:30pm
Madelon came over today and she dyed my hair green. I was really quiet and kind of down cause I just got up. I took a shower but I was still dead.
She's never around me at good times. That, added to the fact that I have this crush on her, makes it impossible for me to be my "normal" self around her.
Enough said.
The next installment will be the last of YA's journals.
Upon returning from Vermont (see below), the letter to Leah will be completed as well.
Which reminds me.
Leah said something to me once that has stuck with me ever since.
I should in fact say scarred.
One time, lolling about her parents' (where were they? )house on a Sunday afternoon senior year, after having spent a long night of drinking screwdrivers together, she said "You're too lethargic".
After looking it up the next day at school, I was very offended.
I decided THAT was why not every girl in school was in love with me and immediately started on a campaign to removee this label with which I had been so unfairly tagged.
I became very wild.
I stayed wild for a long time.
And years.
All, I believe, because this girl called me lethargic one lazy sunday afternoon.
I am actually quite reserved by nature (don't provoke me though).
Her utterance and my lack of belief in myself caused quite a bit of misery.
Good stories, though.
And HUGE thanks to Rys who sent me this present:
It's a button!
I love HER ears though.
But it's still really great to get a present from someone you think is way cool.
Thank you Rys!!!!
How can you not be in love with her?
Wouldn't you follow her to Melbourne?
I know I would...
And we're heading to Vermont for a few days.
Hopefully it's stilll summer up there!
Also, it's friend clearing-out time!
I'll be letting go those from whom I never hear.
If you read my journal and just never comment, that's fine.
I just like knowing you're around, so let me know every now and then and there won't be any trouble.
Also people should stop calling me butthead.
Which reminds me, welcome back, Brixton.
Don't go away for so long next time!
Has anyone ever said anything to you (that wasn't necesarily meant to be a big deal) that bugged you so much you couldn't forget it and still kinda haunts you to this day?
Like when Leah called me lethargic?
I'll show her who's lethargi - whoops! There I go again!
And they've built new gorilla habitat since you've been there, apparently. There's a whole big huge happy outdoor area with plenty of roaming room. Yeah, not as much as in the wild, but certainly not tiny little cages.