Young Afterbirth.
He's made a new entry in his journal.
It's the next afternoon.
Monday, April 22nd, 3:40am 1985
What a glorious day - HAWHAW.
No actually it's really warm so I'm gonna write outside today.
GBH is on the [boom] box and I'm wearing my blue and white oxford shirt so things are cool. I need sunglasses though. Too bad Rachel's acting so weird, otherwise I'd go get hers.
Just down the hill is this girl who really freaks me out. I don't know her name or anything but she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Well, maybe not, but she's the most beautiful girl on this campus.
Anyway, that one day that Rachel, Dave, and I went to Philadelphia and had all that traumatizing shit happen to us, we all came back to the pub after it was over, and Rachel and Dave left me sitting at a table while they got beer. I was in one of the most fucked up moods I've ever been in my life, real hostile and nervous and INCREDIBLY paranoid [we had done a LOT of speed that day, and I had no idea those were side effects!].
So after they left I was sort of looking around to see who was there and I saw HER. She was staring at me too, and it was really freaking me out. This went on for a while and I really don't remember much more cause this all was so long ago. Like around Feb 10 or something.
So now when I see her she still freaks me out because I was so weird that day and she's pretty strange herself. Supposedly she's a lesbian, which I believe, and a real bitch, which I also believe, but she is so cool. She makes me want to die. No she doesn't, but she's still the coolest girl I ever saw, in all senses of the word.
I know she'd kill me if she had the chance. Not that she hates me, but just for the fun of it.
And if that's not cool I don't know what is.
She's kind of like Michelle in that she's pretty much just a fantasy. She's totally safe. I know I'll never have any kind of relationship with her, even if I try. So there's no point in trying, so I can't get rejected by her. She can't disappoint me either, by turning out to be an uncool person because I'll never get close enough to find out.
This is all really stupid.
I shouldn't have wasted the paper or the ink or the time.
Gee, I wish I could remember that girl!
I have absolutely NO recollection of her, even after reading this.
Oh well.
If anyone sees this girl trying to leave the site, stop her:
So I shan't be updating for about 10 days, as we are going on holiday to the midwest to hang with my family.
Every year (this is the 30th) we get together and stay in a cabin on a lake in Wisconsin for a week.
Nobody leave while I'm gone!!!!!!
I have a question:
I always hear about "sex tricks", like special techniques, e.g. the "twist" on Seinfeld, or there's some "butterfly" thing in some movie or tv show.
I never worried about that kind of stuff, relying as I do on a HUGE penis, but I've been wondering, do any of you know about any of these tricks?
Do they really exist?
What are they?