hey guys!!! Hope every one in the states is having a good fourth of july, i hope everyone from everywhere else is as well! :3 ive been on a spectacular vacation week in cape cod Massachusetts visiting family. Thank you to all the love my set has gotten, hopefully it continues getting more so i can go pink and officially be a part of this
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Its so early! But it has been 24 hours since my set has hit MR and i cant thank you all enough for the positive feedback! Youre all amazing!!! If you haven't checked it out yet, please do!
*Yawns* i am headed to boston this morning, heres to me not falling asleep at the terminal! !!
Golden Waves
Hopeful Set
by dsm
My set hits member review in just ten days! So excited!!!! Currently have plans for a second set in the works, so pretty excited about that as well. Time has been pretty limited for me lately, im trying to save fora car to make my traveling the US a little easier, so i have three jobs, and i guess i thought this would be more...
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