well, greetings from Afghanistan!
i figure i am long overdue for an update, and to be honest, i am definately missing this site. shit has been so busy here! speaking of this site, there are people who i want to thank specifically- loretta, Katrina, cklarock, and Sophie have been so awesome about keeping in touch, and basically all-around making my time here pass with a smile on my face. you all really dont know how much it means to me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. trust me- you guys constantly make my day.
so, in short, things have been a little hectic. ive already lost a few friends out here to IED's, and the reality of it is that it is only going to get more intense out here as the months go on, and the weather gets more friendly.
filed under "what in the fuck is going on here": i keep finding frogs here. yes, frogs in fucking afghanistan. its the weirdest thing ever- they look so ridiculously out of place.
well, i cant think of much else to update on that wouldnt bore the everliving shit out of all of you, but please, feel free to update me on the ongoings in your kickass lives.
once again, thanks to everyone (especially you 4) for kicking so much ass, and being all-around supportive of little ol' me.
xoxo af.
And I like your fatwah, most beneficent Ayatollah Ummah Al Afshin.
Praise be to God, who revealed the Book, controls the eggplants, makes them rot in the desert sun, and says in His Book "But when from the mouth of infidels come these snakes that tell the people, 'things cool, come not from CK and Em', then fight and pelt the pagans wherever ye find them with rotten eggplant (breaded or grilled, you choose), seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who said "I have been sent with the rotten eggplant between my hands to ensure that no one but CK and Em are given credit for things that rock, in the name of God who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who say things that rock come from other things."
my life has been pretty decent. ck and my best friend got the influenza and now the two of us are feeling a little under the weather, so we hope it's nothing. i got a new employee at my job that i can hand off alot of the data entry type stuff to. the best part is that she's only here for a couple hours a day, so i don't have to worry about keeping her busy all day long.
the weather is getting warm! it's practically spring. and the research facility where i work studies climate change which has been a big topic in the news of late, so it's been interesting to see all the publicity.
i just submitted a new set for SG, and i'm already thinking about what i want to do for my next one, so that's good.
i guess the things that aren't good are that haven't felt like working out, and my boss is a total moron. but there are so many things that are going well, with ck having cool work stuff happening, and also me having a very crafty vibe, that i can't be mad at jah. jah guide.
so how's that for boring, eh? like that?! hehe.