what's up
i don';t got much to say these days really. i work , take care of the kid and the odd time i go out to play. Jagermeister is the fuckin bomb but can i please have my memory back???? fuck.
so i'm at work yesterday and there's these 2 van loads of people from California and they had put the'r fuckin SNOW TIRES on their cars to come here!!!!!! holy shit dudes, like, yeah it's canada but we don't live in fuckin igloos!!!!!!!! we get snow in the winter and thats it. we have hot summers just like you!!!
don't have time for lyrics but here's the exerpt for ya:
#73- hair dye
peace out
i don';t got much to say these days really. i work , take care of the kid and the odd time i go out to play. Jagermeister is the fuckin bomb but can i please have my memory back???? fuck.
so i'm at work yesterday and there's these 2 van loads of people from California and they had put the'r fuckin SNOW TIRES on their cars to come here!!!!!! holy shit dudes, like, yeah it's canada but we don't live in fuckin igloos!!!!!!!! we get snow in the winter and thats it. we have hot summers just like you!!!
don't have time for lyrics but here's the exerpt for ya:
#73- hair dye

peace out
bye, and it was nice talking.
Jagermeister is the fuckin bomb but can i please have my memory back???? fuck.
HaHaHa I know exactly what you mean.