Today is Mothers Day. I have the best gift EVER. I get to lie in bed and feel their arms around my neck as they tell me how much they love me.
But today is really about you, Elyssa, because it was you that came into my life nine years ago today and changed everything. You changed the way I live, the way I think, and most importantly, you changed the way I love.
And here you are, just a blink away from that first moment I held you, teetering now on the outside edge of childhood. I see you stretching in yourself as you change and grow, and I am in awe of the person you are and the person I see you becoming. Im in awe of your physical beauty with your golden hair, deep blue eyes, and long legs, as you gracefully dance around our house. Im in awe of your humor, and the way laughter lights up your eyes. Im in awe in the way you know yourself, the way you express a deep understanding of why you feel a certain way. Im in awe of your creativity that paints, sculpts, cooks, designs, builds, and sews its way through our life.
So on your birthday, my now nine year old, I want to put my arms around your neck and tell you how completely I love you.
But today is really about you, Elyssa, because it was you that came into my life nine years ago today and changed everything. You changed the way I live, the way I think, and most importantly, you changed the way I love.
And here you are, just a blink away from that first moment I held you, teetering now on the outside edge of childhood. I see you stretching in yourself as you change and grow, and I am in awe of the person you are and the person I see you becoming. Im in awe of your physical beauty with your golden hair, deep blue eyes, and long legs, as you gracefully dance around our house. Im in awe of your humor, and the way laughter lights up your eyes. Im in awe in the way you know yourself, the way you express a deep understanding of why you feel a certain way. Im in awe of your creativity that paints, sculpts, cooks, designs, builds, and sews its way through our life.
So on your birthday, my now nine year old, I want to put my arms around your neck and tell you how completely I love you.
yeah my mom is long gone so mother's day is mostly for my two grandmothers now.