Well let's see...searching around on the internet yesterday for why Talcum powder is bad for you (it is very similar to asbestos and causes cancer) I came across a Christian Website - the first couple of lines went something like this:
Masturbation and Pornography:
Just when you thought you had beaten it, it rears it's ugly head again.
So that gave me a good laugh.
However, reading about the endless struggle to do away with a woman's Constitutional right to make decisions concerning her own body didn't. The latest South Dakota Ban that opponents of abortion hope will push Roe V. Wade to the Supreme Court again, has no exceptions for rape, incest, or health of the mother. Reading some of the quotes from people championing the ban made my blood boil. Basically, they said abortion was often a used as a "convenience" and that females choose to allow themselves to get pregnant and then take the easy way out. OK, so when a woman's raped (where she had no choice) and then gets pregnant she is forced to bear that child. The irony of their ideas of "choice" astonish me. Even worse the rapist can have parental rights.
Another person argued that many women after having an abortion wish someone had stopped them. So banning it was a way to do this. Everyone who has an abortion has a person to stop them- THEMSELVES. That is the basis of choice, freedom, and responsibility. By implying that women are incapable of making life decisions on their own and then living with that choice, is denying woman full citizenship, adulthood, and equality.
And I won't even go into the incest part because we all know that when someone's uncle starts banging his little niece when she's 12 and she gets pregnant, the best thing will be to make her have that child.
It will be interesting to see what this new Supreme Court 's opinions on the sanctity of equality and freedom are.
Masturbation and Pornography:
Just when you thought you had beaten it, it rears it's ugly head again.
So that gave me a good laugh.
However, reading about the endless struggle to do away with a woman's Constitutional right to make decisions concerning her own body didn't. The latest South Dakota Ban that opponents of abortion hope will push Roe V. Wade to the Supreme Court again, has no exceptions for rape, incest, or health of the mother. Reading some of the quotes from people championing the ban made my blood boil. Basically, they said abortion was often a used as a "convenience" and that females choose to allow themselves to get pregnant and then take the easy way out. OK, so when a woman's raped (where she had no choice) and then gets pregnant she is forced to bear that child. The irony of their ideas of "choice" astonish me. Even worse the rapist can have parental rights.
Another person argued that many women after having an abortion wish someone had stopped them. So banning it was a way to do this. Everyone who has an abortion has a person to stop them- THEMSELVES. That is the basis of choice, freedom, and responsibility. By implying that women are incapable of making life decisions on their own and then living with that choice, is denying woman full citizenship, adulthood, and equality.
And I won't even go into the incest part because we all know that when someone's uncle starts banging his little niece when she's 12 and she gets pregnant, the best thing will be to make her have that child.
It will be interesting to see what this new Supreme Court 's opinions on the sanctity of equality and freedom are.
Got it
Maybe I'll go have some now.
As for the guy, the guy is great. I like the guy. I like the flowers. It is all very good.