Well my life has decided to take after the weather cliche of when "it rains it pours". Granted we North Westerners have had what seems like it's going on close to 40 straight days of rain. Pouring, soak to the skin, blustery, mud inducing rain, and there is no sign of an Ark ANYWHERE. How, beside the mildew in my basement and the swamp in my back yard, does this relate to my life? Because just last week I was increasingly feeling despondent because my attempts to find a start at re-building a career I put on hold ten years ago seemed to being going no where. Then today two offers- both of what I really want to do. One an internship putting together a film festival, the other helping write and interview female artist and musicians for a zine. I accepted both. Now I have to go battle my lazy, procrastinating demons and beat them into productive submission.
congratulations! i only hope the job gods are so kind to me!

Of all the qualities that could possily be associated with you, the carrying of lazy procrastinating demons is certainly not among them. As to the ark business, I fear it's too late. Portland is already doomed to float down the Willamette and out to sea. Congratulations my friend.